Why Do Spiders Choose Your Home as a Summer Refuge?

» Behavior » Why Do Spiders Choose Your Home as a Summer Refuge?

Have you ever wondered why do spiders come inside your home in the summer months? While these eight-legged creatures may be unwelcome guests, they are actually following a natural instinct. In this article, we will uncover the mystery of why spiders come inside during the summer months and explore the habits of these arachnids.

What Attracts Spiders to Homes in Summer?

What Attracts Spiders To Homes In Summer?

Spiders are looking for warm, safe places to build their webs and reproduce. During the summer months, homes are an ideal habitat for these eight-legged critters. The summer heat and humidity make homes a desirable option for spiders and other insects. Spiders can enter through open doors and windows, or find their way in through cracks, crevices, and other small spaces.

Spiders are drawn to homes due to the abundance of prey and food sources. Homes provide a great environment for spiders to feed on other insects, such as flies, mosquitoes, and moths. These insects are drawn to the light and moisture of the home, making it an ideal hunting ground for the spider.

In addition to food sources, homes offer plenty of places for spiders to build their webs. Spiders tend to prefer dark, sheltered areas such as attics, basements, and closets. They also like to build their webs in the corners of windows and doorframes, as well as in corners of furniture and behind curtains.

Finally, spiders may be attracted to the warmth of homes. During the summer months, homes are typically much warmer than the outside temperature. Spiders are drawn to warmth, as it helps them to stay active and reproduce.

By understanding what attracts spiders to homes in the summer, homeowners can take steps to prevent the infestation of spiders in their homes. Sealing up cracks and crevices, cleaning up outdoor areas, and vacuuming regularly can all help to deter spiders from entering the home.

Warmer Temperatures

 Warmer Temperatures

  • Higher temperatures drive spiders to look for cooler places to stay.
  • When the weather warms up, spiders become more active.
  • Spiders will seek out cool and moist places to avoid the heat.
  • Because of the higher temperatures, spiders will come into homes in search of cooler areas.
  • Further, warmer temperatures will cause spiders to reproduce more quickly.

Food Sources

Insects Rodents
Fruit flies Mice
Crickets Gophers
Cockroaches Rats
Grasshoppers Squirrels

Spiders come inside in summer due to the abundance of food sources. These sources can include insects such as fruit flies, crickets, cockroaches, and grasshoppers, as well as rodents like mice, gophers, rats, and squirrels.



  • Spiders often search for areas with higher humidity and moisture levels in the summer.
  • Warmer temperatures lead to higher humidity levels and an increase in moisture.
  • This moisture can attract spiders, which are naturally adapted to seek out moisture in their environment.
  • Moisture can come from sources such as leaky pipes and other water sources, leading spiders inside the home.
  • It can also result from the presence of plants, soil, and even moist air.
  • Therefore, it is important to take measures to reduce the moisture levels in the home in order to prevent spiders from entering.

What Types of Spiders Are Commonly Found Inside During Summer?

What Types Of Spiders Are Commonly Found Inside During Summer?

Common spiders found inside during summer are mostly harmless. House spiders such as the American house spider, the southern house spider, and the Hobo spider are the most common. Wolf spiders, cellar spiders, and Jumping spiders may also be seen inside. Wolf spiders are fast-moving, nocturnal hunters. Cellar spiders are also known as daddy-long-legs. They are harmless and prefer dark, damp places. Jumping spiders are known for their ability to jump long distances and their large eyes. They are often found on walls or near windows. All of these spiders are beneficial to the environment and should not be killed.

Prevention Tips

Prevention Tips

  • Seal any potential entry points for spiders, such as gaps and cracks, with a silicone-based sealant.
  • Keep the house clean, especially in areas where spiders like to hide such as closets, basements, and attics.
  • Reduce clutter and remove items that can provide a hiding spot for spiders, such as boxes, paper, and clothing.
  • Remove any spider webs or egg sacs that you find in the house.
  • Vacuum regularly to remove spiders, webs, and eggs.
  • If possible, keep the outside of your house free from debris and weeds that spiders may use for hiding and hunting.
  • Use a high-quality insecticide to keep spiders away from the house.

Reduce Moisture

Reduce Moisture
Spiders are attracted to areas with high moisture levels. To reduce their presence indoors, it is important to keep the humidity levels low by using dehumidifiers and by ensuring there are no leaky pipes or water sources inside the home. Regularly checking for any areas of high humidity and properly ventilating bathrooms and other moisture-prone areas can also help keep spiders away.

Keep Food Sources Away

Keep Food Sources Away
Spiders are attracted to food sources, especially in summer when they are more active. To help prevent spiders from entering your home, it is important to keep food sources away. This includes sealing any food containers tightly, cleaning up crumbs and spills, and regularly vacuuming and dusting to remove any food particles. Keeping counters and other surfaces clean can also help deter spiders from coming in. Additionally, taking out the garbage regularly and sealing the lid on the garbage can can help prevent spiders from entering your home.

Keep Windows and Doors Shut

Keep Windows And Doors Shut

  • Ensure all windows and doors are firmly shut.
  • Check for any gaps in the frames or cracks around the edges.
  • Use weather stripping and caulking to fill in any openings.
  • Install door sweeps to close the gap between the door and the floor.
  • Consider purchasing and installing window and door screens.

Use Insecticides

Use Insecticides
Use Insecticides

Spiders come inside in summer due to the presence of other insects they feed on, such as flies and moths. Insecticides can be used to reduce the number of these insects, thus reducing the chances of spiders entering the home.

Insecticide Benefits
Pyrethrin-based insecticides Kills insects on contact, and is safe to use around children and pets.
Neem-based insecticides Contains natural neem oil, which has a repellant effect on insects and can help to keep spiders away.
Organic insecticides Organic insecticides are made from natural ingredients and are safe to use around people and animals.

Insecticides can be applied around windows, doors, and other points of entry to create a barrier that spiders cannot cross. It is important to use insecticides correctly, as they can pose a risk to people and pets if used incorrectly. Always read the label of the insecticide product and follow the instructions.

How to Get Rid of Spiders Inside

How To Get Rid Of Spiders Inside

Steps Instructions
1 Remove webs, eggs and spiders with a vacuum cleaner.
2 Spray an insecticide specifically designed to kill spiders.
3 Place glue traps in areas prone to spiders.
4 Spray a repellent around the perimeter of your home.
5 Keep your house clean and free of clutter.

Spiders come inside in summer because the warm weather provides a plentiful food supply and the ideal environment for them to reproduce. To get rid of spiders inside your home there are a few steps you can take:

  • Remove webs, eggs and spiders with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Spray an insecticide specifically designed to kill spiders.
  • Place glue traps in areas prone to spiders.
  • Spray a repellent around the perimeter of your home.
  • Keep your house clean and free of clutter.

By taking these steps, you can keep your home free of spiders and other pests.



  • Vacuum regularly, especially in areas where spiders may be hiding, such as near furniture and in corners.
  • Pay special attention to areas like baseboards, window and door frames, and other spots where spiders can hide.
  • Empty the vacuum bag or canister after each use, as spiders can easily escape from them.
  • Dispose of the vacuum bag or canister outside the house.



  • Spray insecticides around the perimeter of the home to kill spiders and other pests on contact.
  • Treat the outside of the home with insecticide to prevent spiders from entering.
  • Clean up debris around the home such as leaves, wood and rocks to reduce spider hiding spots.
  • Use insecticides specifically designed to target spiders such as bifenthrin, permethrin, and cyfluthrin.
  • Insecticides can be applied as a liquid or dust.
  • Follow the label instructions when using insecticides.
  • Use gloves and a dust mask when applying dust insecticides.

How to Keep Spiders Out of the House

How To Keep Spiders Out Of The House

  • Vacuum regularly – Use a vacuum cleaner to remove spiders, spider webs, and other debris from the home.
  • Seal cracks and crevices – Spiders can enter through tiny cracks and crevices in the walls and foundation. Use a caulking gun to fill in any gaps or cracks.
  • Install door sweeps – Make sure that all exterior doors have door sweeps to prevent spiders from entering through the bottom of the door.
  • Remove any webs – Remove any spider webs you find with a broom or vacuum.
  • Keep clutter to a minimum – Spiders like to hide in cluttered areas. Keeping your house clean and organized can help prevent spiders from making their home inside.
  • Use essential oils – Certain essential oils such as peppermint, lavender, and tea tree oil can repel spiders. Try diffusing these oils in your home or applying them to areas where spiders are commonly found.
  • Use natural repellents – Natural repellents such as diatomaceous earth, citrus oil, and neem oil can help keep spiders away from your home. Sprinkle these substances around the perimeter of your house or spray them on areas where spiders are present.
  • Install yellow light bulbs – Spiders are attracted to blue and white light, so switch to yellow light bulbs to reduce the number of spiders inside your home.

Seal Cracks and Openings

Seal Cracks And Openings
Spiders can enter your home through cracks and openings like those around windows, doors, and vents. To prevent spiders from coming inside during the summer, seal up any cracks or openings to the outside. Use caulking to fill in any gaps, or weather stripping to ensure the edges of windows and doors are properly sealed. Replace any torn window screens or door screens that could allow spiders to enter your home.

Keep Doors and Windows Closed

Keep Doors And Windows Closed

Spiders often enter homes through doors and windows that are left open. To prevent spiders from entering your home, it is important to keep all doors and windows closed, particularly at night when spiders are most active. Windows should also be fitted with screens to further prevent spiders from entering. If you have any gaps or cracks around windows and doors, use caulk or weather-stripping to seal them. Additionally, it is important to keep the outside of your home free of debris, as spiders can use these to gain access.

Practice Benefit
Keep doors and windows closed Prevents spiders from entering
Fit windows with screens Prevents spiders from entering
Seal gaps and cracks around windows and doors Prevents spiders from entering
Keep outside of home free of debris Prevents spiders from gaining access

Remove or Reduce Food Sources

Remove Or Reduce Food Sources

Spiders typically come inside during the summer months in search of food. To prevent spiders from entering, it is important to reduce or remove potential food sources. This can include sealing food containers, cleaning up crumbs and other food debris, and vacuuming regularly. Additionally, spiders are attracted to other insects, so it is important to reduce the presence of these insects. This can be done by ensuring windows and doors are properly sealed and by using insecticides.

Action Description
Seal food containers Ensure all food containers are sealed to prevent food from attracting spiders.
Clean up food debris Remove all crumbs and other food debris from the floor and other surfaces to reduce food sources for spiders.
Vacuum regularly Regularly vacuum the floors and other surfaces to remove food sources for spiders.
Seal windows and doors Ensure all windows and doors are properly sealed to prevent insects from entering.
Use insecticides Use insecticides to reduce the presence of other insects that may attract spiders.

Use Insecticides

Use Insecticides
Use Insecticides

  • Use insecticides to reduce the number of spiders and their webs in the home.
  • Spray insecticides in spider-prone areas like corners, under furniture and near windows.
  • Pay special attention to areas that are dark and moist, as spiders prefer these locations.
  • Avoid spraying insecticides on food preparation surfaces, counters, and appliances.
  • Read and follow the instructions on the insecticide label before use.
  • It is important to note that insecticides are not a long-term solution as spiders will return once the insecticide has worn off.

How to Deter Spiders From Entering

How To Deter Spiders From Entering

Strategy Description
Keep your house clean Spiders are attracted to clutter, so make sure to vacuum and dust regularly and keep floors and surfaces free from debris.
Seal entry points Caulk around windows and doors and seal any cracks and gaps to prevent spiders from entering.
Remove webs and egg sacs Regularly remove webs and egg sacs, if possible, and place them outside to prevent spiders from re-entering your home.
Install a screen Install a screen on windows and doors to keep spiders from entering your home.
Use essential oils Essential oils such as peppermint, tea tree, and eucalyptus can be used to deter spiders from entering your home.

Use Citrus

Use Citrus

Spiders often come indoors in the summer due to the abundance of food sources. To keep spiders from entering your home, you can use citrus. Citrus fruits and citrus oils are natural repellents that spiders find unappealing. You can place cut lemons, limes, and oranges around your home, or spray citronella or lemon essential oil around the outside of your home.

Method Effectiveness
Cut Lemons, Limes, and Oranges Moderate
Citronella Spray High
Lemon Essential Oil High

Citrus methods are an effective natural solution to keep spiders out of your home. However, these methods are not a guaranteed solution and may need to be reapplied periodically. Additionally, you should inspect the perimeter of your home for any entry points and seal them if possible.

Use Vinegar

Use Vinegar

  • Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray vinegar around doorways, windows, and other entry points.
  • The vinegar smell will repel the spiders and keep them away.
  • Re-apply the solution every couple of weeks.

Use Essential Oils

Use Essential Oils

  • Essential oils such as peppermint, tea tree, and citrus oils can be used to repel spiders.
  • Spray essential oil around windows, doors, and other potential entry points.
  • Essential oils can be diffused in the air or placed on cotton balls and placed around the house to keep spiders away.
  • The strong scent of essential oils can help to mask the smells of food, sweat, and other smells that attract spiders.
  • Essential oils can also be used to make a natural insecticide to spray directly onto spiders.

Use Peppermint

Use Peppermint
Spiders come inside in summer to seek shelter from the heat and humidity. To keep spiders from entering your home, you can use peppermint. The strong smell of peppermint will act as a deterrent, because spiders cannot stand its scent. Peppermint oil can be used as a spray or you can place peppermint leaves in areas where spiders may enter. You can also diffuse peppermint oil throughout your home to keep spiders away.

How to Keep Spiders Out of Your Yard

How To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Yard

Steps Details
1 Keep your yard clean and tidy. Remove any webs and spider eggs from your yard. Dispose of them carefully.
2 Cut down any overgrown vegetation. Trim back shrubs, bushes and trees to reduce the hiding spots for spiders.
3 Regularly sweep and mop your deck, patio and other outdoor surfaces to remove spiders and webs.
4 Install weather stripping around windows and doors to keep spiders out of your home.
5 Keep outdoor lights off or use yellow bulbs, which are less attractive to insects that spiders feed on.
6 Sprinkle diatomaceous earth in your garden and around the perimeter of your yard. This is a natural pest repellent.
7 Use natural repellents such as essential oils, citronella, and peppermint oil to repel spiders.

Reduce Clutter

Reduce Clutter

  • Clear away debris and clutter from the house, garage and yard.
  • Examine the foundation and exterior walls for cracks and crevices that may provide spiders with access points.
  • Seal any openings around windows, doors and other entry points with caulk.
  • Remove wood piles, stones, bricks and other items that may attract spiders.
  • Place screens on doorways and windows to prevent spiders from entering.
  • Keep the yard and lawn trimmed and free of debris.
  • Repair any leaks and water problems in the house and yard.
  • Clean up the house regularly to remove spider webs.
  • Store food in airtight containers and dispose of garbage regularly.

Remove Overgrown Plants

Spiders often come inside in the summertime because of the presence of overgrown plants. These plants provide a place for spiders to hide and lay eggs, which can become a huge problem if not controlled. To prevent spiders from entering your home, remove any overgrown plants or debris that may be around the exterior of your house. It’s best to trim back your plants regularly and make sure any debris or dead leaves are disposed of. Additionally, you can use a high pressure hose to spray off the sides of your house, which can help to remove any webs or eggs that may be present.

Task Description
Trim Plants Trim back plants regularly to prevent spiders from entering your home.
Remove Debris Dispose of any debris or dead leaves that may be around the exterior of your house.
High-Pressure Hose Use a high-pressure hose to spray off the sides of your house and remove any webs or eggs.

Use Insecticides

Use Insecticides
Use Insecticides

Insecticides Benefits
Organic Insecticides Organic insecticides are made from natural substances, like plant extracts, bacteria, and minerals. They are considered to be safe for humans and pets.
Synthetic Insecticides Synthetic insecticides are made from chemicals that are designed to kill insects. They can be very effective but can also be more dangerous to humans and pets.

Insecticides can be a great way to keep spiders out of your home. The two main types of insecticides are organic and synthetic. Organic insecticides are made from natural substances like plant extracts, bacteria, and minerals. They are considered to be safe for humans and pets. Synthetic insecticides, on the other hand, are made from chemicals that are designed to kill insects. They can be very effective but can also be more dangerous to humans and pets. Both types of insecticides can be used to keep spiders away, but it is important to read the directions carefully before use and to follow all safety precautions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What attracts spiders inside homes during summer months?

Summer months bring higher temperatures, which allow spiders to become more active. They may enter homes seeking shelter, food sources, and mating partners. Homes also provide spiders with protection from predators and the elements. Spiders may find their way into homes through open doors, windows, and cracks in the walls. They can also hitch a ride with other insects, like ants, that enter the home. Spiders are attracted to nooks and crannies, such as attics, cellars, and storage areas, where they can find prey and build webs. Additionally, spiders may be attracted to homes that are surrounded by plants, as these can provide them with moisture and food.

How can I prevent spiders from entering my home in summer?

To prevent spiders from entering your home in summer, ensure that all cracks, crevices and other openings are sealed. Check window and door screens for tears or holes and repair or replace them. Keep the area around your home free of clutter that spiders can hide in, such as old wood, leaves, stones or trash. Reduce the number of insects in and around your home, as spiders feed on insects. This can be done by removing piles of leaves, mowing the grass and keeping garbage cans closed. A few drops of peppermint oil or citrus essential oil around windows and doors can also help to deter spiders.

What are the common spiders that come inside in the summer?

Common spiders that come inside during the summer months include the American house spider, wolf spider, cellar spider, black widow spider, and yellow sac spider. All of these spiders are nuisance spiders and pose no serious threat to humans. They may bite if they feel threatened, but the bites are usually not dangerous. Most of these spiders can be easily removed from the home by vacuum cleaning or with a broom.

What do spiders do when it’s hot outside?

Spiders seek refuge from the heat by entering homes and other buildings. They may be seeking a cool, dark place to hide or they may be looking for food. Spiders like to hide in tight spaces, such as cracks and crevices, and can get into buildings through poorly sealed windows, doors, and other openings. Heat can also drive spiders to search for a mate, leading them to enter homes or yards in search of a partner.

Is it Dangerous to Have Spiders Come Inside During Summer?

Spiders coming inside during the summer months can be concerning for some people, and for good reason. While most spiders are harmless and their presence is simply a nuisance, some species of spiders can be dangerous. Brown recluse and black widow spiders have venom that can cause serious illness and even death. If you spot a spider inside your home, it is best to take proper precautions and contact a professional pest control service.


Spiders are naturally attracted to the warmer temperatures and higher humidity of summer. While they may be more visible indoors, they are also looking for food and shelter, and may be coming in through open windows and doors or cracks and crevices. It is important to take steps to limit any unwanted spider infestations, such as sealing cracks and eliminating food sources like insects. Spiders can be beneficial to the environment, but it is best to take preventative measures to make sure they don’t become a nuisance.

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