Why Do Cats Eat Spider Webs? Unraveling the Strange Connection between Cats and Spiders

» Behavior » Why Do Cats Eat Spider Webs? Unraveling the Strange Connection between Cats and Spiders

Have you ever noticed your feline friend nibbling on spider webs? It’s one of the most perplexing behaviors of cats, and yet it’s a common occurrence. So why do cats eat spider webs? In this article, we’ll explore the strange eating habits of cats and uncover the mystery behind why cats eat spider webs. We’ll also discuss possible theories as to why cats indulge in this behavior and look into potential solutions to prevent it from happening. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of why cats eat spider webs and how you can help prevent it.

Anatomy of a Spider

Anatomy Of A Spider

Body Part Description
Cephalothorax A combined head and thorax segment, which makes up the front part of the body and supports the head, mouthparts and legs.
Abdomen The abdomen contains the digestive, respiratory, excretory and reproductive organs, and contains the spinnerets which produce the silk used to create webs.
Legs Spiders have eight legs, each of which is covered in tiny hairs that give them their sense of touch.
Pedipalps Located in front of the legs, the pedipalps are used for sensing and feeling, as well as for grabbing and manipulating prey.
Spinnerets Located at the end of the abdomen, the spinnerets are used to produce silk, which is used to create webs.
Eyes Spiders have eight eyes, which are used to detect movement and light.

Spiders also have two additional appendages, called chelicerae, which are used to grab and hold prey. The chelicerae are connected to venom glands, which are used to immobilise the prey before it is eaten.

Spider Webs

Spider Webs

  • Spider webs are made of a protein called ‘spidroin’ and are used by spiders to catch their prey.
  • Spider webs are made up of three basic components: the radial threads, the sticky spiral, and the frame threads.
  • The radial threads are the outermost threads of the web, which are spun in a circular pattern.
  • The sticky spiral is the center of the web and is composed of a spiral pattern of sticky thread.
  • The frame threads are the innermost threads of the web and provide the structure to the web.
  • Spider webs are extremely durable and can be spun in a variety of shapes and sizes.
  • Spider webs are also made up of a number of different amino acids, including arginine, glycine, proline, and tyrosine.
  • These amino acids are important for the structure and strength of the web.

Cats may find spider webs interesting because of their texture, appearance and the fact that they are made of protein. Cats may eat spider webs to supplement their diet, as the webs contain a variety of amino acids. Additionally, cats may find the webs entertaining, as they can be spun into various shapes and sizes.

Cats and Dietary Habits

Cats And Dietary Habits

Cats are obligate carnivores and mainly eat proteins from fish, meat, and eggs. Contrary to popular belief, cats do not require milk in their diet. In the wild, cats have been observed consuming small insects, birds, and rodents, as well as other small prey animals. Cats also have a taste for carbohydrates and have been known to consume grasses and other plants.

While cats need proteins and carbohydrates, they do not need to consume spider webs. Spider webs are not a typical part of a cat’s diet and are not considered a necessary nutrient for cats. Cats may eat spider webs out of curiosity or boredom, but this behavior is not normal. If a cat is regularly consuming spider webs, it’s best to consult a veterinarian to ensure there are no underlying health issues or nutritional deficiencies.

Spider Webs as a Dietary Source

Spider Webs As A Dietary Source

Cats are obligate carnivores and require animal-based proteins and fats to remain healthy. Spider webs contain large amounts of protein, so cats may seek them out as a dietary source. Spider webs are also high in lipids, which can provide cats with a source of essential fatty acids that are necessary for a healthy diet. Spider webs also contain minerals, such as iron and zinc, that can provide cats with essential micronutrients. Additionally, spider webs have a high moisture content, which can provide cats with hydration. Finally, spider webs are a source of dietary fiber, which can help cats maintain a healthy digestive system.

Benefits of Eating Spider Webs

Benefits Of Eating Spider Webs
Spider webs are an excellent source of protein and other nutrients for cats. The webs are also low in fat and contain essential oils, which help to maintain a healthy coat. Additionally, the webs provide cats with a source of Vitamin A and B-Complex vitamins, which are essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. Spider webs also contain calcium and magnesium, both of which are important for cats’ bones and teeth. Finally, the webs are high in fiber, which helps to promote regular digestion. Eating spider webs is a great way for cats to get their required nutrients and vitamins without having to consume large amounts of food.

Disadvantages of Eating Spider Webs

Disadvantages Of Eating Spider Webs
Eating spider webs can have a variety of negative health effects for cats. The first is that spider webs are often made of artificial materials, such as polyester or nylon. These materials can be difficult to digest and can lead to a blockage in the cat’s intestines. Additionally, there is a risk of ingesting toxic substances that may have been in the environment prior to the webs being spun. Finally, spider webs are often covered in dust, dirt, and other substances that may contain bacteria or parasites that can be harmful to cats.

Other Reasons Cats Eat Spider Webs

Cats may eat spider webs for a variety of reasons, including boredom, curiosity, and nutrient deficiencies. Bored cats may be drawn to the taste and texture of spider webs, while curious cats may be drawn to the novelty of the web’s construction. Cats may also eat spider webs if they are lacking in certain nutrients, such as vitamins A and C or taurine. Taurine is an essential amino acid found in animal tissues, and is necessary for cats to maintain healthy vision and heart function. Additionally, cats may be drawn to spider webs because of their pungent smell. Spider webs contain compounds such as lactic acid, which cats may find attractive.

Prevention of Cats Eating Spider Webs

Cats eating spider webs can be prevented by making sure the spider webs are inaccessible to the cat. This can be done by removing the webs from the house and keeping the cat in a closed space where there are no spider webs. Cat owners can also discourage their cats from eating spider webs by providing them with other food sources such as treats or even cat grass. Additionally, owners should make sure their cats get plenty of exercise and stimulation through playtime and interactive toys. This can help keep them distracted from any spider webs they might encounter.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the strange eating habits of spiders?

Spiders are known to have cannibalistic tendencies, often eating the same species or even their own kind. Additionally, they consume a range of prey that includes insects, small vertebrates, and other spiders. Spiders have also been known to consume pollen, pollen substitutes, and nectar in certain situations. Furthermore, spiderlings have been observed eating the remains of their prey after it has been killed by their parents. They may also feed on the spiders’ own silk, which can provide them with essential amino acids.

How does eating spider webs benefit cats?

Spider webs are a great source of protein for cats, as well as providing an additional source of hydration. The webs can also help to clean the cat’s teeth and provide them with important vitamins and minerals. But the most important benefit of eating spider webs is that cats can use the strands of webbing to pluck out insects and other small creatures that may be hiding in their fur or lurking in dark corners.

What Types of Spiders Do Cats Prefer to Eat?

Cats typically hunt and eat spiders that are small and slow-moving, such as house spiders, daddy longlegs, and wolf spiders. They may also hunt larger spiders such as tarantulas, jumping spiders, and huntsman spiders. Cats usually do not eat spiders that are poisonous, such as black widow spiders.

Are there any health risks associated with cats eating spider webs?

There are no known health risks associated with cats eating spider webs. In fact, spider webs may provide fiber and help aid digestion. However, caution should be taken to ensure that the spider webs cats eat are free of pesticides or other chemicals, as these can be toxic if ingested. Additionally, spider webs should be cleaned and free of any parasites or insects.

Are there any other unusual eating behaviors cats engage in, besides eating spider webs?

Cats have been known to eat other strange things, such as wool, plastic, and even dirt. This can be due to nutritional deficiencies or boredom, as cats may be attracted to the texture of these items. In some cases, cats may even engage in pica, which is an eating disorder characterized by the consumption of non-nutritive objects.


It is unclear why cats eat spider webs, though it could be for a variety of reasons, such as to supplement their diet with extra protein and minerals, or to satisfy their curiosity. While it is a strange behavior, it is not necessarily harmful, and cats should be allowed to eat the webs if they choose to do so.

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