How to keep spiders away from your patio furniture: Simple Tips to Keep Spiders at Bay

» Control » How to keep spiders away from your patio furniture: Simple Tips to Keep Spiders at Bay

Spiders can be a nuisance when trying to enjoy your patio furniture. Whether it’s an outdoor party or just a relaxing evening on the porch, no one wants to share the space with creepy-crawly spiders. Thankfully, there are a few easy tips on how to keep spiders off patio furniture that can help make your outdoor furniture spider-free. In this article, we will cover some simple steps you can take to ensure spiders stay away from your patio furniture.


The best way to keep spiders away from patio furniture is to prevent them from being attracted to the area, as spiders will not come to an area if there is nothing to feed on. To do this, keep the area free of clutter and bugs that spiders prey on, such as insects, moths, and other spiders. Regularly sweep and vacuum the area to remove any webs or larvae spiders may be attracted to. Regularly check furniture for webs and eggs, and keep all furniture and cushions dry and free of debris. Additionally, regularly check all nearby plants for signs of spiders. Lastly, use natural spider repellents, such as citrus peels, peppermint oil, and citrus-based sprays, around the area to deter spiders from coming.

Seal Entry Points

Seal Entry Points
Spiders can enter your patio furniture through small cracks or crevices. Sealing those entry points can help keep spiders out. Look for any areas where spiders may squeeze through, such as gaps in the furniture’s construction or near the legs. Inspect your furniture regularly and seal any openings with caulk or adhesive. If your furniture has removable cushions, check the seams and zipper area for signs of spiders. Consider applying a spray-on insect repellent to the fabric to deter spiders. Additionally, make sure that any mesh on the furniture, such as mesh screens or mesh fabric, is secure and without any holes.

Reduce Attractants

Reduce Attractants

Attractant Solution
Food and water sources Keep patio furniture clean, cover food, get rid of standing water
Overhanging vegetation Trim back vegetation around patio furniture
Dark, damp places Keep patio furniture dry and in the sun

Spiders are attracted to food, water, shelter, and safe places to build their webs. To reduce their attraction to your patio furniture, eliminate potential sources of food and water, trim back any overhanging vegetation, and keep the furniture dry and in the sun. Cleaning the furniture regularly will also help to reduce sources of food and water.

Natural Repellents

Natural Repellents

  • Essential oils: Spray diluted essential oils such as peppermint, lavender, tea tree and eucalyptus on the patio furniture to create a barrier spiders won’t cross.
  • Dish soap: Mix equal parts of dish soap and water and spray the solution on the patio furniture. The soap will coat the furniture, making it difficult for spiders to move.
  • Cedarwood oil: Spray cedarwood oil onto the furniture to create an unpleasant scent for spiders.
  • Garlic and peppermint spray: Create a mixture of garlic, water and peppermint oil and spray it on the furniture.
  • Mothballs: Place mothballs near the furniture to deter spiders from coming near the area.


The first step towards keeping spiders away is to remove any webs or egg sacs already present. This should be done carefully, as some spiders are venomous. Wear protective gloves and use a stick to break down the webs and egg sacs. Place them in a sealed bag and dispose of them in an outside trash can. Regularly check patio furniture for webs and egg sacs, and clean them away as soon as possible.



Regularly vacuuming your patio furniture can help prevent spiders from making webs and laying eggs. Vacuum once a week or more often if needed. To ensure that spiders and their eggs are removed, use a vacuum with a crevice attachment to clean cracks and crevices. The crevice attachment is helpful for removing webs from furniture and corners that may be difficult to reach. Pay special attention to corners and tight spaces where spiders tend to hide. Additionally, be sure to empty the vacuum after each use.



Trap Type Effectiveness Description
Glue Traps High Glue traps are small boards or trays with a sticky substance on them. They will trap and hold spiders that walk over them.
Insect Light Traps Moderate These traps use light to attract bugs, including spiders, which are then trapped or killed.
Bug Vacuums High Bug vacuums are hand-held devices that use suction to trap and remove insects, including spiders.

Traps are a great way to get rid of spiders on your patio furniture. Glue traps are small boards or trays with a sticky substance on them. They will trap and hold spiders that walk over them. Insect light traps use light to attract bugs, including spiders, which are then trapped or killed. Bug vacuums are hand-held devices that use suction to trap and remove insects, including spiders. All three types of traps are effective and can be used together for maximum effectiveness.


Insecticides are chemicals that are sprayed on outdoor surfaces such as patio furniture to repel spiders and other insects. These products are available in both aerosol cans and liquid spray bottles. When using an insecticide, it is important to read the label to ensure proper application and to avoid contact with skin. Insecticides should be applied around the perimeter of the patio furniture as well as to any cracks, crevices, and other openings. It is important to reapply the insecticide on a regular basis to ensure that spiders stay away.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some easy tips to keep spiders off patio furniture?

Cover furniture with a tarp during the night and when not in use. Use natural spider repellents like mint, lavender, peppermint, or citrus oil. Place sticky traps around the furniture to catch any spiders. Vacuum frequently to remove any webs or eggs. Wash furniture with soapy water regularly. Keep the area around the furniture free of debris. Trim any trees or bushes near the furniture to reduce hiding places.

How can I prevent spiders from coming near my outdoor deck?

To prevent spiders from coming near your outdoor deck, make sure to frequently clean the area and keep it free from debris and clutter. Additionally, keep the area well-lit and remove any foliage or plants that may attract spiders. If you already have an infestation, use a spider repellent spray or powder. If you have pets, make sure to use a pet-safe insecticide to keep the area free from spiders.

What are some effective ways to keep spiders away from my balcony?

Clean up regularly and store food items in sealed containers. Spiders are attracted to food sources, so make sure there is nothing to draw them in. Keep the balcony and surrounding area free of clutter, as spiders like to hide in places like corners and cracks. Trim shrubs and trees away from the balcony to reduce the number of spiders that can access the area. Use repellents such as citrus-scented sprays or essential oils to discourage spiders from entering the balcony. Place sticky traps in corners and along edges to catch spiders. Seal any cracks or crevices in the walls and floor to prevent spiders from entering.

How can I keep spiders away from my patio furniture permanently?

To keep spiders away from your patio furniture permanently, keep the area free from debris, clutter, and other items that may attract spiders. Vacuum and dust regularly, and remove spider webs and egg sacs as soon as possible. Install window and door screens to keep spiders out of the house, and keep patio furniture away from the house. To further discourage spiders, apply a citrus-based repellent to furniture and the surrounding area. Keep the area well-lit, as spiders prefer dark and undisturbed areas. Finally, keep the lawn and garden free of spiders by regularly mowing the lawn and maintaining plants.

What can I do to get rid of existing spiders near my patio furniture?

To get rid of existing spiders near patio furniture, use a vacuum cleaner to remove spiders and webs. Apply pesticide sprays or powders to furniture, window sills, and other areas where spiders may be hiding. Another solution is to use essential oils such as peppermint, tea tree, and citrus oils to repel spiders. Place traps around the furniture to catch spiders. Finally, make sure to regularly clean patio furniture, clear away webs and keep the area free of clutter.


Keeping spiders away from patio furniture can be done with a few simple steps. Cleaning the area, keeping it free of debris, and using natural repellents can help to keep spiders away from your patio furniture. Additionally, using insecticides and sprays in areas where spiders are persistent can provide long-term relief from spider infestations. As always, contact a pest control professional if the problem persists.

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