Number of eggs in a Black Widow Spider egg sac

» Types » Black Widow Spiders » Black Widow Life Cycle » Black Widow Egg Stage » Number of eggs in a Black Widow Spider egg sac

As far as spider species go, few are as well-known (and feared) as the Black Widow Spider. This notorious arachnid is infamous for their venomous bite, which can cause serious symptoms and even death in some cases. However, there are many more fascinating aspects of this spider beyond just its toxicity. In this article, we’ll explore the Black Widow Spider’s reproductive system and take a closer look at their egg sacs. Specifically, we’ll delve into the number of eggs found in each sac, how frequently they are developed, and the survival rate of the spiderlings that emerge. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding and appreciation of one of the most intriguing spider species on the planet.

What is a Black Widow Spider?

What Is A Black Widow Spider?
The black widow spider is one of the most fascinating and feared spiders around. With its distinctive appearance and potentially deadly venom, this spider has gained wide recognition. However, despite its infamous reputation, many people still remain unaware of the intricacies involved in the life cycle of this spider. In this section, we’ll explore more about the black widow spider, including its appearance, habitat, behavior, and reproductive system. Let’s dig deeper into what makes this spider unique and impressive.


Black widow spiders are known for their notorious appearance. These spiders have distinct characteristics that make them stand out from other spiders. Here are some physical features that make the black widow spider unique:

  • Color: The black widow spider has a shiny black body, and females have a red hourglass-shaped marking on their abdomen.
  • Shape: These spiders have a round, bulbous abdomen and long, thin legs.
  • Size: Female black widow spiders are larger than their male counterparts, measuring up to 1.5 inches in length.
  • Webs: Black widow spiders construct irregular webs that are strong and sticky.

The physical appearance of the black widow spider is a result of their adaptation to their environment. The shiny black body helps them blend in with their surroundings, while the red hourglass marking serves as a warning for predators to avoid them. Their round abdomen enables them to store more food and also provides space for egg sacs when it comes to reproduction. The thin legs are used for navigating through tight spaces and capturing prey.

Although black widow spiders are not aggressive, they will bite if they feel threatened. Their venom is extremely potent and can cause serious health problems. It’s important to be cautious and avoid contact as much as possible.

If you want to learn more about black widow spider eggs, check out this article on black widow egg stage comparisons.


Black widows are not picky about their habitat, and can survive in a wide variety of environments. They tend to prefer warm and dry areas such as rocky outcroppings, woodpiles, and abandoned buildings. They can also be found in fields, meadows, and gardens. Black widows have a wide distribution around the world and are found on every continent except Antarctica. They can be found in temperate and tropical regions, and are most commonly found in North America.

Black widow spiders are typically found in dark and secluded areas. They will often build their webs in crevices, under rocks, and in other sheltered locations. They are nocturnal hunters and can be found in their webs during the day. They will usually only leave their web to hunt for prey or to mate.

While black widows can be found in a variety of habitats, they tend to favor areas with abundant prey. In urban areas, they can be found in gardens and abandoned buildings where there are plenty of insects to feed on. In more rural areas, they can be found in fields and meadows.

It’s important to note that black widows are venomous and can be dangerous to humans and pets. If you suspect there are black widow spiders in or around your home, it’s best to contact a pest control professional to safely remove them.
Studies have shown that black widow females invest a lot of energy into protecting their egg sacs, and will fiercely defend their young against predators. Understanding the habitat preferences and behaviors of black widows can help minimize the risk of encounters and prevent bites.


One of the most distinctive behavioral traits of the Black Widow Spider is its cannibalistic nature. While it usually feeds on insects, it has been known to attack and devour males of its own species after mating. This behavior is rare and only occurs when the male is unable to escape or pacify the female. In addition to its cannibalistic tendencies, the Black Widow Spider is also known for its nocturnal habits and preference for dark and secluded areas such as woodpiles, garages, and crawlspaces.

Below is a table summarizing the behavior of the Black Widow Spider:

Behavior Description
Cannibalism The Black Widow Spider sometimes eats males of its own species after mating.
Nocturnal The Black Widow Spider is active at night and rests during the day.
Prefer dark and secluded areas The Black Widow Spider tends to live in undisturbed areas such as piles of wood or debris.

Interestingly, the male Black Widow Spider is attracted to the female’s web by pheromones. This behavior can lead to male spiders being drawn into the female’s web and becoming prey. Despite this, the male still approaches the female, because he believes that mating will increase his chances of passing on his genes.

If you want to learn more about the Black Widow Spider’s egg production and survival rates, you can check out this article.

Black Widow Spider’s Reproduction System

Black Widow Spider'S Reproduction System
The Black Widow Spider, with its distinctive red hourglass shape, is a well-known species of spider. However, what many people don’t know is that these spiders have a fascinating and complex reproductive system. From their unique mating habits to the building of an egg sac, Black Widow Spiders have evolved many strategies to ensure the survival of their offspring. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at the Black Widow Spider’s reproductive system and explore the various ways in which they reproduce. To learn more about the hatching and survival of Black Widow Spiderlings, check out our article on hatching and survival.

Mating Habits

Black widow spiders have unique mating habits that involve dangerous and sometimes fatal consequences for the male spider. During mating, the female black widow often engages in sexual cannibalism, where she kills and eats the male after copulation. This behavior is due to the fact that male spiders are much smaller than female black widows, and the female requires the extra resources for successful reproduction.

Male spiders have developed several techniques to avoid being eaten during copulation. They will weave a web around the female before mating or will attempt to mate from a distance. However, these behaviors are not always successful.

Once copulation is complete, the female black widow spider will build an egg sac to lay her eggs. The male spider has no further role in reproduction and will typically die soon afterward.

It is worth noting that sexual cannibalism is not the norm for all species of black widows. In some species, males will escape after copulation and live to mate again.

In the next section, we will discuss the building of an egg sac.

Mating Habits Description
Sexual cannibalism Female black widow may kill and eat male during copulation for extra resources
Male survival techniques Weaving a web around female or mating from a distance to avoid being eaten
Male role after copulation No further role in reproduction, typically dies soon afterward
Species variation Not all species of black widows engage in sexual cannibalism

Building of an Egg Sac

During the late summer and early fall, female Black Widow Spiders will start constructing their egg sacs. The building of an egg sac can be a massive undertaking for the female spiders as the sacs are made entirely out of silk. The female spiders produce the silk using specialized glands in their abdomen. The silk they spin is incredibly strong, which allows the sac to withstand harsh weather, predators, and other threats.

To create the egg sac, the female Black Widow Spider begins by spinning a flat mat web, then she uses her mandibles to shape the web into a round or oval shape. Once the web is positioned correctly, the female spider deposits a group of eggs on the mat web and covers them with a fluffy silk cover. The spider then wraps the eggs several times with her silk to create a protective sac around her developing offspring.

The silk cover serves as a safeguard against physical damage or dehydration; it also serves to hide the eggs from predators. After the eggs are enveloped in the silk sac, the female spider moves on to create another layer of silk around the sac to fortify it further. This process can repeat several times until the sac is a thick, well-protected, and almost impenetrable sac that can contain hundreds of spiderlings.

Interestingly, studies have shown that the female Black Widow Spider can control the size of the eggs she deposits inside the sac, ensuring favorable egg hatch duration and hatching synchrony for her offspring. Once the eggs are laid inside the sac, the developing spiderlings rely on their stored nutrients within the eggs to complete their development.

The egg sacs of the Black Widow Spider are relatively large compared to some other spider species. They can contain 50-400 eggs, with some reports claiming there could be up to 1000 eggs in a single egg sac. However, this is a rare occurrence, and the average number of eggs found in a Black Widow Spider egg sac remains around 100-150.

After the eggs hatch, the baby spiderlings stay inside the sac, feeding on their yolk sacs and each other if food is limited, until they are mature enough to venture outside and fend for themselves. It’s not uncommon for the female spider to remain in the vicinity of the egg sac, guarding it against predators and other spiders that may cannibalize the hatchlings for food.

About 30-40% of eggs inside a Black Widow Spider egg sac will develop and hatch successfully, and the spiderlings will have about a 40-50% chance of surviving to adulthood. The building of an egg sac and managing its contents is a crucial process for ensuring the perpetuation of a Black Widow Spider species.

How Many Eggs are in a Black Widow Spider Egg Sac?

How Many Eggs Are In A Black Widow Spider Egg Sac?
As we delve deeper into the intriguing world of black widow spiders, one cannot resist the curiosity to understand their reproduction system, which includes building an egg sac. We know that black widows are notorious for their highly poisonous venom, but how many eggs do they lay in one egg sac, and what are the chances of survival for the hatchlings? Let’s explore the fascinating realm of black widow spider egg sacs and uncover some of the mysteries behind their reproductive behavior.

The Number of Eggs in Each Egg Sac

During the breeding season, female black widow spiders produce egg sacs that contain their offspring. These sacs are made from silk and are protected by the female until the spiderlings hatch. The number of eggs in each egg sac varies depending on the species of black widow spider.

For instance, the Southern Black Widow typically lays about 250 eggs per sac. On the other hand, the Northern Black Widow, which is slightly larger in size, can lay anywhere from 200 to 900 eggs per sac. It’s important to note that not all of the eggs laid in the sac always hatch. Factors such as humidity, temperature, and external threats can reduce the number of viable eggs.

Studies have shown that egg hatching in black widow spiders is not always synchronous, meaning that eggs hatch at different times. This is a result of the female black widow laying her eggs in batches. As a consequence, some spiderlings will emerge from the sac earlier than others, which can impact the survival rate of the later hatchlings.

Another study researched egg cannibalism amongst black widow spiders. It was found that when food was scarce, female spiders would eat their own eggs as a source of nutrition. This behaviour is mainly observed in species that lay large egg sacs and is thought to help ensure that the fittest spiderlings survive.

It’s also interesting to note that egg sac viability can be affected by environmental factors. For example, in a temporary spider egg manipulation experiment, researchers found that when egg sacs were transferred to a different temperature or humidity setting, the number of viable eggs decreased. This highlights the importance of properly maintaining black widow spider habitats for their successful reproduction.

To learn more about black widow egg hatching, check out our article on black widow egg hatch duration. Additionally, research has shown that successful hatching of black widow spider eggs can be influenced by the synchrony of hatchlings emerging from the sac, as outlined in our article on egg hatching synchrony and black widow success.

Frequency of Egg Sac Development

The frequency of egg sac development in black widow spiders is dependent on different factors such as environmental conditions and the spider’s health. Once a female black widow spider mates, she can produce several egg sacs over her lifetime.

Studies show that black widow spiders can produce up to 9 egg sacs in a single summer. However, the production of egg sacs may reduce as the spider grows older and weaker. When a female spider is healthy and well-fed, she can produce egg sacs more frequently compared to when she is undernourished. This can be attributed to the fact that building egg sacs requires a lot of energy from the spider.

It takes approximately 14 days for the eggs to hatch after the female spider lays them. Once the eggs hatch, the spiderlings begin to feed on their eggshells for the first few days. Afterward, they disperse away from the egg sac and start hunting for prey. The female spider may then tear down the empty egg sac and recycle the silk for future use.

It’s important to note that not all eggs in an egg sac hatch successfully. Factors such as temperature changes and predation can decrease the viability of the eggs. In some cases, the spiderlings may resort to cannibalism, consuming their unhatched siblings for survival.

Although black widow spiders can be fascinating creatures, they also pose a danger to humans. If you stumble upon a spider’s egg sac, it’s best to leave it undisturbed and seek professional pest control services.

For more information on black widow spider eggs, check out the black widow eggs study that details the findings of research into the spider’s reproduction system. Alternatively, you could read about a temporary black widow egg or learn about how black widow eggs hatch. For a darker side of spiderlings, read about egg cannibalism in black widow spiders.

Viability of Eggs in Egg Sac

The viability of the eggs in a Black Widow Spider egg sac depends on several factors. Here are some important points to consider:

  • The age and health of the female spider: Younger female spiders tend to lay fewer eggs with lower viability. The health of the female spider is also a significant factor. Female Black Widow Spiders that are weak or malnourished may have lower quality eggs or may not produce an egg sac at all.
  • Environmental conditions: Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity can play a significant role in the viability of the eggs within the Black Widow Spider egg sac. Optimal humidity levels range between 50-60% and the temperature should be at or above 27°C.
  • Time of year: The viability of the eggs can also depend on the time of year the female produces the egg sac. In colder months, the eggs may take longer to hatch or not hatch at all.
  • Egg sac protection: The egg sac that houses the Black Widow Spider eggs is built to protect them from external influences. However, if the egg sac is damaged or exposed to unfavorable environmental conditions, such as predators, the viability of the eggs can decrease.
  • Egg sac cannibalism: Cannibalism is common among Black Widow Spiders, and female spiders may eat other eggs in the egg sac, reducing the overall viability and number of spiderlings that hatch.

While there is no way to guarantee the viability of every egg in a Black Widow Spider egg sac, taking steps to ensure optimal conditions for the female spider and the egg sac can help increase the likelihood of successful hatchings.

Survival of Spiderlings

After hatching from the egg sac, the spiderlings face a difficult journey ahead of them. The survival rate of black widow spiderlings is relatively low. Here are some factors that contribute to their overall survival:

Predators: Black widow spiderlings are particularly vulnerable to predators, such as birds, lizards, and other spiders. These predators can easily overpower the spiderlings due to their small size and lack of venom.

Food: Spiderlings require a steady supply of food to grow and survive. Their primary diet consists of small insects, such as flies and mosquitoes. However, finding food can be a challenge for spiderlings, especially in urban environments where pesticides and other chemicals can kill off insect populations.

Competition: As spiderlings grow, they must compete with each other for resources, including food and space. In situations where resources are limited, spiderlings may resort to cannibalism, consuming their own siblings to ensure their own survival.

Environmental conditions: Black widow spiderlings require specific environmental conditions to thrive. They prefer warm, humid environments with plenty of hiding places. Extreme heat or cold can be deadly to spiderlings, as can exposure to pesticides or other chemicals.

Mating habits: Female black widows have been known to cannibalize their male counterparts after mating. If a male is unsuccessful in avoiding this fate, the egg sac he helped produce may not survive if the female dies before the spiderlings hatch.

The survival of black widow spiderlings is highly dependent on a variety of factors, many of which are out of their control. However, with the right conditions and a bit of luck, some spiderlings are able to mature into adults and continue the reproductive cycle.

Distribution and Life Cycle

Distribution And Life Cycle
As fascinating as the Black Widow Spider’s egg sac is, understanding the distribution and life cycle of this arachnid will shed more light on its survival and proliferation in different environments. From examining the spiderling’s stage of development to the spread of the Black Widow Spider in different parts of the world, there’s much to uncover. So, let’s put on our detective hat and explore the geographic distribution and life cycle of this notorious spider.

Geographic Distribution

Black widow spiders are specifically found in warm regions across the world. The geographic distribution of black widow spiders is quite extensive, and these spiders can be found in various parts of the world, particularly in North America, South America, Africa, Southern Asia, and Australia.

In North America, black widow spiders are widely distributed in the southern regions, particularly in the western United States, and southern regions of Canada. In South America, they are commonly found in countries like Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru. In Africa, they are distributed in countries like Botswana, Egypt, and South Africa. Black widow spiders are also found in Southern Asia, including countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Southern China. Lastly, in Australia, the spiders are found in the eastern and southeastern regions of the country.

It’s important to note that not all black widow spiders are venomous, and there are also different species with varying distribution. For example, the well-known Latrodectus mactans, or the southern black widow, is found in North America, while the Latrodectus hesperus, or the western black widow, is also found in North America but more prevalent in the western regions.

The geographic distribution of black widow spiders is quite widespread, and it’s important to exercise caution when in warm regions where these spiders are found to prevent any potential risks or dangers.

To summarize the geographic distribution of black widow spiders, refer to the table below:

Region Countries
North America United States, Canada
South America Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru
Africa Botswana, Egypt, South Africa
Southern Asia India, Sri Lanka, Southern China
Australia Eastern and Southeastern regions

Life Cycle

The life cycle of a Black Widow Spider is an interesting one, with several distinct stages as they grow and mature. From hatching to adulthood, these spiders go through three developmental stages: egg, spiderling, and adult. Here is a breakdown of each stage:

Egg Stage: Black Widow Spiders lay their eggs in silk egg sacs, which can contain anywhere from 200 to 900 eggs. The female spider carefully guards the eggs and defends the sac until the spiderlings hatch, which takes about 10 to 30 days.

Spiderling Stage: Once hatched, the spiderlings are tiny and vulnerable. They are cannibalistic, which means they will eat each other if they get the chance. If there is not enough food, the strongest spiderlings will survive and cannibalize the weaker ones.

The spiderlings molt (shed their exoskeleton) several times as they grow larger. After their first molt, they become more independent and disperse, spinning individual webs to catch their own prey.

Adult Stage: Female Black Widow Spiders live longer than males, with an average lifespan of one to three years versus the males’ six to twelve months. The adult females are larger than the males and have a characteristic red hourglass shape on their abdomen. They mate and lay eggs before eventually dying.

Here is a table summarizing the Black Widow Spider’s life cycle:

Stage Description
Egg 200-900 eggs in silk sac
Spiderling Tiny and vulnerable, molt several times, cannibalistic
Adult Female larger with red hourglass on abdomen, mate and lay eggs before dying

Understanding the life cycle of Black Widow Spiders is important for controlling and preventing their populations in areas where they may pose a risk to humans.

Dangers and Prevention

As fascinating as black widow spiders are, they’re not exactly creatures to be trifled with. Unfortunately, encounters with these arachnids can be not only intimidating but dangerous as well. It’s important to be aware of the potential risks and to take steps to prevent any accidents from occurring. In this section, we’ll explore the possible hazards associated with black widow spiders and provide some practical tips for staying safe. So, let’s dive in and learn how to avoid these spooky spiders!

Primary Black Widow Spider Environments

Primary Black Widow Spider Environments

Black widow spiders are typically found in areas with dry, warm climates such as deserts, scrublands, and forests. They are commonly found in the southern and western United States, but are also found in other parts of the world such as Europe, Africa, and Asia. Below is a table that outlines some of the common environments where black widow spiders can be found.

Environment Description
Deserts Black widow spiders are commonly found in desert areas due to the dry and warm climate. They can often be found making their webs in rocks and crevices.
Scrublands Black widow spiders are known to make their homes in scrublands, which are areas with low-growing vegetation. They often build their webs in bushes and low-lying plants.
Forests Black widow spiders can be found in forests, although they prefer dry and warm areas within the forest. They often make their nests in fallen trees and stumps.
Urban areas Black widow spiders can also be found in urban areas such as storage areas, garages, and sheds. They are attracted to these areas because they provide shelter and an abundance of prey.

It is important to be cautious when in these environments, especially in areas where black widow spiders have been known to reside. Taking precautions such as wearing long sleeves and pants, using insect repellent, and being aware of your surroundings can help minimize the risk of encountering a black widow spider.

Bites and Venoms

One of the biggest dangers associated with Black Widow Spiders is their venom. Their bites can be painful and even deadly if not treated properly. The venom of a Black Widow Spider contains a neurotoxin that affects the victim’s central nervous system. The venom is extremely potent and can be 15 times stronger than that of a rattlesnake.

When a Black Widow Spider bites, it injects its venom into the victim’s tissues. The venom causes the release of neurotransmitters that trigger muscle contractions and spasms, leading to severe pain and cramps. In some cases, the bite can cause nausea, vomiting, and seizures. In rare cases, the venom can even cause respiratory failure, which can lead to death.

Here is a table that shows the effects of the venom and the rate of occurrence:

Effects of Venom Rate of Occurrence (%)
Pain and cramps 100
Nausea and vomiting 50
Severe muscle spasms 25
Headache and dizziness 10
Respiratory failure 1

If you are bitten by a Black Widow Spider, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Treatment for a Black Widow Spider bite may include antivenin and medication to reduce pain and muscle spasms. In severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary.

To prevent being bitten by a Black Widow Spider, it is important to take precautions. Avoid putting your hands or feet in areas where spiders may be hiding, such as in piles of wood or leaves. Wear gloves when working in the garden or handling firewood. Shake out clothing, shoes, and bedding before use. Keep your home clean and clutter-free to reduce the spider’s potential hiding spots.

By taking these precautions, you can reduce the risk of being bitten by a Black Widow Spider and minimize the potential effects of venom on your body.

Prevention Techniques and Tips to Minimize Risk

To minimize the risk of encountering a Black Widow Spider and getting bitten, we have some valuable prevention techniques that you can follow. Here are a few tips that could help you stay safe:

  • Wear protective clothing: Wear long-sleeved shirts, pants, and boots when you are in areas where Black Widow Spiders are likely to live.
  • Shake out clothing and shoes: Before putting on any clothes or shoes, make sure to shake them out thoroughly as spiders sometimes tend to hide in there.
  • Seal up entry points: Make sure to seal up cracks, crevices, and any entry points into your home, as this can help prevent spiders from getting inside.
  • Reduce clutter: Keep your living space clean and free of clutter, especially in the corners of the room, as this can reduce the likelihood of spiders setting up camp.
  • Keep your garden tidy: Clear away any piles of debris or woodpiles in your backyard, as these could be attractive places for Black Widow Spiders to reside.
  • Be cautious when cleaning: When you are cleaning up your house or yard, be sure to exercise caution as this can help avoid accidental encounters with spiders.
  • Hire professionals: If you live in an area where Black Widow Spiders are common, it might be worth hiring pest control services to help you manage spider populations.

By following these tips, you can significantly decrease the chances of encountering a Black Widow Spider and their potentially dangerous bite. It’s always best to err on the side of caution and take preventive measures to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.


In conclusion, the Black Widow Spider’s egg sac is an incredible feat of nature. The number of eggs in each sac can range from 50 to 900, with the spider reproducing up to five times in its lifetime. Additionally, the eggs are highly viable, with a survival rate of up to 80% if they are kept at optimal temperature and humidity. However, even with the high survival rate, the spiderlings must still contend with predators and dangers in their environment to reach adulthood.

As with any spider, it is important for humans to exercise caution around the Black Widow Spider. These spiders are found in warm, dry habitats such as garages, sheds or other outdoor structures and can be easily identified by their distinctive black and red markings. Their venom is potent, and while bites are rarely fatal, they can still cause significant health effects.

To minimize the risk of encountering a Black Widow Spider, it is important to take precautions such as frequently cleaning outdoor areas, wearing protective clothing during outdoor activities, and using spider repellents in areas where they are frequently seen. It is also important to seek immediate medical attention if bitten by a Black Widow Spider, as timely medical intervention can prevent serious health complications.

In summary, the Black Widow Spider and its egg sac are fascinating subjects to explore. However, it is important to approach these creatures with caution and respect their place in the natural world. By taking the necessary precautions and seeking medical attention when needed, humans can safely coexist with these spiders and appreciate the wonders of their unique biology.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the diet of a Black Widow Spider?

Black Widow Spiders primarily feed on insects, but they can also consume small reptiles, mammals, and other spiders.

Do Black Widow Spiders spin webs?

Yes, Black Widow Spiders are known for their distinctive webs that are designed to catch prey. The webs are typically made of strong silk that is difficult for prey to escape from.

How do Black Widow Spiders mate?

During mating, the male Black Widow Spider will approach the female’s web and begin to vibrate it in a certain way that signals his intentions. The female will then either accept or reject the male’s advances, depending on factors like his size and strength.

Are Black Widow Spider bites fatal?

While Black Widow Spider bites can be very painful, they are not usually fatal to humans. However, small children and elderly individuals may be more susceptible to severe symptoms.

Where can Black Widow Spiders be found?

Black Widow Spiders are found throughout much of the world, but they are most commonly found in warm, dry areas like the southern United States, Mexico, and Central America.

How many times can a Black Widow Spider mate?

Female Black Widow Spiders can mate multiple times throughout their lifetimes, with each copulation resulting in the production of a new egg sac.

How long does a Black Widow Spider egg sac take to hatch?

It typically takes around 20-30 days for an egg sac produced by a Black Widow Spider to hatch, with hundreds of spiderlings emerging from each sac.

Do Black Widow Spiders make good pets?

No, Black Widow Spiders are not suitable pets and should not be kept in captivity. They are venomous and can be dangerous to humans.

How can you prevent Black Widow Spider infestations?

To prevent infestations, it is important to keep your home and surrounding areas free of clutter and debris. Additionally, sealing up any cracks or areas where spiders can enter your home can be helpful.

Are Black Widow Spiders important to the ecosystem?

Yes, Black Widow Spiders play an important role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems by controlling the population of smaller insects and other invertebrates.


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