Effective Baits for Trapping Black Widow Spiders

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You’re not the only one uncomfortable around black widow spiders. With their distinctive red hourglass mark, these arachnids are infamous for their dangerous bites. However, trapping them doesn’t have to mean putting yourself at risk. In this article, we’ll break down the identification, behavior, habitat, and the best traps and baits to use for trapping black widow spiders safely. We’ll even cover some prevention techniques that can help keep your home black widow-free. So, if you’re looking for effective black widow spider trapping methods, keep reading.

Identifying Black Widow Spiders

Identifying Black Widow Spiders
One of the first steps in safely trapping black widow spiders is being able to identify them. Black widows are one of the most dangerous spider species in the world, known for their venomous bite and distinctive appearance. It’s important to be able to identify black widow spiders in your home or yard. Knowing their appearance, habitat, and behavior will help you take the appropriate measures to protect yourself and your family. If you need help with identifying black widow spiders, check out this guide.


Black widow spiders are well-known for their distinctive and ominous appearance. These spiders are easily identifiable due to their shiny black color and the iconic red hourglass-shaped marking found on the underside of the female spider’s abdomen. It is worth noting, however, that male black widow spiders do not have this marking and are often smaller and less conspicuous than females.

In addition to their striking coloring, black widow spiders have a uniquely shaped body. Their round abdomen is much larger than their cephalothorax (the combined head and thorax), and their legs are thin and long. This particular body shape enables them to catch and hold their prey effectively.

Did you know? Some black widow spiders may have lighter, brownish coloring instead of jet-black.

It is important to note that not all shiny black spiders have the characteristic red marking, and not all species of black widow spiders have the same markings. Some may have spots instead of an hourglass shape, and markings may be yellow or white instead of red. This highlights the importance of properly identifying black widow spiders and not relying solely on the markings to do so.

To avoid accidental contact with black widow spiders, it is important to be able to accurately identify them. If you suspect you have a black widow spider infestation, it is crucial to take the necessary precautions to safely trap and remove them. For more information on trapping and preventing black widow spiders, be sure to check out our other articles on trapping black widow spiders and preventing black widow spider infestations.


Black Widow spiders are found in a variety of habitats, but they tend to prefer dark, secluded areas. These spiders can be found in woodpiles, garages, basements, cluttered areas, and other undisturbed spaces. They can also be found in outdoor spaces such as gardens and yards.

Black Widows often spin their webs in hidden places, such as in cracks and crevices or beneath objects. They prefer to build their webs close to the ground or in areas where they can easily hide. These spiders are most commonly found in areas with a warm climate and mild winters.

It’s important to be aware of your surroundings and take caution in areas where Black Widow spiders are likely to be present. Wear protective clothing and use gloves when working in areas where these spiders may be present. Keep an eye out for spiderwebs, particularly if you are exploring an area that has not been disturbed in a while.

To prevent Black Widow spider infestations, it’s essential to keep your home and outdoor areas clean and free of clutter. Seal up any cracks and openings where spiders could enter and remove any potential food sources, such as insects. For tips on how to eliminate Black Widow food sources, click here. For more information on preventing Black Widow spider bites, click here.

If you do find Black Widow spiders in your home, it’s important to handle them carefully and safely. To learn how to trap Black Widow spiders using DIY traps, click here. For information on how to handle Black Widow spiders safely, click here.

Essential oils can also be used as a natural way to deter Black Widow spiders. For information on which essential oils are effective against these spiders, click here. And if you are concerned about Black Widow spider bites, click here for more information.


Black widow spiders are known for their distinct behavior, which can help identify them from other spider species. Here are some ways to recognize their behavior:

  • Cobweb Weaving: Most black widows spin cobwebs, which they use to capture their prey. These webs are usually dense, sticky, and located in secluded areas and corners of homes.
  • Nocturnal Habits: Black widows are nocturnal creatures, which means they are most active at night. During the day, they typically hide in dark, sheltered areas, such as garages, basements, and sheds.
  • Aggressive Gestures: Black widows are not generally aggressive towards humans, but they may attack if they feel threatened. This can include raising their front legs in a defensive posture and emitting a strong, musty odor.
  • Solitary Nature: Black widows are solitary creatures and typically avoid contact with other spiders and insects. They prefer to build their webs away from other spiders and will often consume any prey caught in their webs alone.

It’s important to note that black widows can be dangerous and their bite can be venomous. If you suspect a black widow infestation, it is highly recommended to take measures to remove them. For more information on natural ways to remove black widow spiders, check out our article on natural ways to remove black widow spiders. Additionally, it may be helpful to know common hiding spots of black widow spiders which you can read in our article about black widow spider hiding spots.

The Best Baits for Trapping Black Widow Spiders

The Best Baits For Trapping Black Widow Spiders
When it comes to trapping black widow spiders, using the right bait is critical. These deadly spiders can be difficult to catch, but with the right method and bait, it’s possible to eliminate them from your home. In this section, we’ll explore some of the best baits for trapping black widows and discuss how to use them effectively. From sticky traps to live prey, there are several effective ways to lure these spiders into captivity. Keep reading to find out more.

1. Sticky Glue Traps

Sticky glue traps are one of the most effective means of trapping black widow spiders. These traps are designed to use the spider’s natural tendency to crawl along walls and surfaces, to catch and trap them. They are easy to use and available at most home improvement stores. To use a sticky glue trap, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the areas where black widow spiders are known to inhabit. This can be near the corners of walls, in basements or attics, near wood piles or other outdoor structures, and around cluttered areas.

Step 2: Place the sticky glue trap in these areas. Make sure to place them flush with the wall or surface, and in areas where they won’t be disturbed.

Step 3: Check the trap regularly for trapped spiders. If a spider has been caught, use gloves to remove the trap and dispose of it in a plastic bag.

Step 4: Repeat this process until the infestation has been eliminated.

Using sticky glue traps is an effective and safe way to trap black widow spiders. However, it is important to take precautions to ensure that you are not accidentally exposed to the spiders. Use gloves when handling the traps and dispose of them immediately after catching a spider. It is also important to regularly check the traps to ensure that they are working properly.

Note that while sticky glue traps can be very effective for trapping black widow spiders, they should not be used as the only means of pest control. It is important to take steps to prevent infestations from occurring in the first place, such as sealing cracks and openings, reducing clutter, and keeping a clean home.

2. Crickets

Crickets are one of the best baits to use when trapping black widow spiders. These insects are notorious for being a great food source for a variety of spiders, including black widows. One of the reasons crickets are such an effective bait is because they are easy to catch, and you can often find them near areas where black widows are known to live. You can use store-bought crickets, or if you have a little patience, you can catch them yourself.

One way to catch crickets for bait is to:

  • Find an area with tall grass.
  • Look for chirping noises, which indicate the presence of crickets.
  • Crouch down and get as close as possible without scaring them away.
  • Slowly reach out and grab the cricket by the wings or legs.
  • Place the cricket into a container for transport.

Once you have your crickets, you can place them into a trap that is specifically designed for black widows. The trap should have a sticky surface that the cricket will become stuck to once it walks inside. This will help to prevent the cricket from escaping and will lure the black widow spider into the trap.

A few tips for using crickets as bait:

  • Place the trap in an area where you have seen black widow spiders before.
  • Make sure the trap is out of reach of children and pets.
  • Check the trap daily and remove any trapped spiders.
  • Replace the bait every few days to keep it fresh and effective.
  • Dispose of any dead or unused bait properly.

Using crickets as bait for trapping black widow spiders can be an effective way to deal with an infestation. However, it’s important to take necessary safety precautions, as handling pests can be dangerous. It’s always best to contact a professional pest control company if you’re unsure of how to safely handle the situation.

3. Cockroaches

Cockroaches are a great bait option when trapping Black Widow Spiders. Cockroaches release a pheromone that acts as a natural attractant to the spiders. The combination of their smell and movement makes them a tempting treat for Black Widow Spiders. Here are some pros and cons of trapping Black Widow Spiders with cockroaches:

Pros Cons
  • Effective: Cockroaches are known to be a great bait option for trapping spiders.
  • Easy to Find: Cockroaches are a common household pest, making them easily accessible as bait.
  • Cost Effective: If you have a cockroach problem in your home, using them as bait can be a cheap and effective solution.
  • Inhumane: Using live cockroaches as bait can be seen as cruel and inhumane by some individuals.
  • Gross: Some people may find cockroaches to be too repulsive to handle or be around.
  • Extra Care: Cockroaches can require extra care and attention when handling, especially if you are trying to avoid direct contact.

If you do decide to use cockroaches as bait, it’s important to do so safely and humanely. One option is to use cockroach traps that contain a sticky adhesive, which can trap the spiders without harming the cockroaches. Another option is to use dead cockroaches as bait instead of live ones. This way, you can still attract the Black Widow Spiders without contributing to any potential harm to another living creature. Cockroaches can be an effective and accessible bait option for trapping Black Widow Spiders, but it’s important to weigh the pros and cons and handle them with care.

4. Moths

When it comes to trapping black widow spiders, using moths as bait can be a highly effective method. Not only are moths common prey for spiders, but they are also attracted to light, making them easy to lure into traps.

Step 1: Purchase moth traps or make your own by wrapping a light source, such as a LED flashlight, with a sticky material like duct tape or double-sided tape.

Step 2: Place the traps in areas where black widow spiders are likely to hide, such as dark corners, crevices, and closets.

Step 3: Check the traps regularly and dispose of any trapped spiders in a safe and proper manner.

It is important to note that while moths can be an effective bait for trapping black widow spiders, they should be used in conjunction with other methods for optimal results. Additionally, it is important to exercise caution when handling spider traps and to always wear gloves to protect yourself from potential bites or stings.

5. Other Spiders

When it comes to trapping black widow spiders, using other spiders as bait might seem counterintuitive. However, black widow spiders are known to prey on other spiders, making them an effective bait. Some of the best spiders to use as bait include:

  • Wolf Spiders: These spiders are large and fearless, making them perfect prey for black widow spiders. They are also commonly found in the same habitats as black widows.
  • Jumping Spiders: These spiders are small, but they move quickly and can catch the attention of black widow spiders. They are also commonly found indoors, making them a good choice for trapping spiders in your home.
  • Daddy Long Legs: While not actually spiders, these arachnids are often mistaken for spiders and can act as effective bait for black widows. They are not venomous, so they can be used safely.

One important thing to keep in mind when using other spiders as bait is to ensure that the other spiders are not venomous. While black widows are known to eat other spiders, they can still be harmed by venomous bites. It’s also important to use caution when handling any spiders, as they can bite if they feel threatened.

Trapping Black Widow Spiders Safely

Trapping Black Widow Spiders Safely
When it comes to trapping black widow spiders, safety should always be a top priority. Although these venomous spiders rarely attack humans, their bites can cause severe pain and other symptoms that require medical attention. It is important to take precautions when attempting to trap them. In this section, we will discuss some tips and techniques for safely trapping black widow spiders. By following these guidelines, you can avoid any potential harm to yourself or others.

Using Gloves

When it comes to trapping black widow spiders, safety should be a top priority. One of the best ways to protect yourself from bites is to wear gloves. However, not all gloves are created equal. Here are some tips for using gloves effectively:

Tips for Using Gloves
Choose the right material: Look for gloves made from a durable material such as leather or thick rubber. Avoid thin gloves that could easily tear.
Check for holes: Before putting on your gloves, inspect them for any tears or holes. Even a small hole could leave you vulnerable to a bite.
Wear them properly: Make sure your gloves fit snugly and cover your entire hand and wrist. Avoid any gaps where a spider could crawl through.
Be cautious: Even with gloves on, be careful when handling traps with live spiders. Give them plenty of space and avoid making sudden movements that could startle them.

Remember, gloves are just one tool in your arsenal for safe spider trapping. Be sure to follow all recommended safety guidelines and use common sense when dealing with black widow spiders.

Avoiding Direct Contact

When trapping black widow spiders, avoiding direct contact is essential to prevent the risk of being bitten. These venomous spiders are known for their aggressive behavior when they feel threatened, and their bite can cause severe pain and even death. To avoid direct contact, here are some safety measures to follow:

Safety Measure Explanation
Wear Gloves Wear thick gloves to protect your skin from spider bites. Make sure the gloves fit properly and cover your entire hand.
Use Long-Handled Tools Use long-handled tools like tweezers or tongs to handle the trap without getting too close to the spider.
Keep Children and Pets Away Black widow spiders can be dangerous to children and pets. Keep them away from the affected area until the spider is removed.
Avoid Touching the Spider Avoid touching the spider or getting too close to it. If the spider feels threatened, it can attack or run away, making it harder to trap.

By following these safety measures, you can avoid direct contact with the black widow spider and minimize the risk of being bitten. Always remember to use caution when handling traps and any tools used in the trapping process. It’s better to be safe than sorry when dealing with venomous spiders.

Disposing of Trapped Spiders

After successfully trapping a black widow spider, it is important to dispose of it safely. Here are some tips for disposing of trapped spiders in a way that minimizes the risk of injury:

  • Wear protective gloves: It is important to wear gloves when handling trapped spiders to avoid any accidental bites.
  • Use a scoop: Rather than trying to pick up trapped spiders with your hands, use a scoop or shovel to safely transfer them out of the trap.
  • Release far away: If you wish to release the spider, make sure to release it far away from your home to prevent it from returning.
  • Kill humanely: If you do not wish to release the spider or if it poses a high risk to people or pets, it may be necessary to kill it. The most humane way to do this is by placing the spider in a baggie and putting it in the freezer. This will put the spider to sleep before it dies, minimizing any potential suffering.
  • Proper disposal: After disposing of the spider, make sure to clean and properly dispose of any traps used to catch it.

By following these tips, you can safely dispose of trapped black widow spiders without putting yourself or others at risk. Remember, it is always important to prioritize safety when dealing with venomous spiders like the black widow.

Preventing Black Widow Spider Infestations

As much as possible, it’s best to prevent a black widow spider infestation from ever happening in your home. Not only are these spiders venomous, but they can also be difficult to get rid of once they’ve established a presence. By taking some preventative measures, you can reduce the likelihood of encountering these dangerous arachnids. Here are some effective ways to protect your home from black widow spiders.

Keeping a Clean Home

Maintaining a clean living space is one of the best ways to prevent black widow spider infestations. Dirty and cluttered areas provide ample hiding and breeding places for these dangerous spiders. Here are some tips on how to keep your home clean and free from black widows.

Tip Description
Regular cleaning Clean your house regularly, especially those areas that are prone to black widow spider infestations, such as attics, basements, garages, and closets. Use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of spider webs, eggs, and debris.
Keep food items sealed Store food in airtight containers to prevent black widows from using them as a food source. Also, make sure to dispose of any expired or old food items that may attract pests.
Keep exterior lights off Black widow spiders are attracted to lights, so avoid leaving exterior lights on for extended periods. If you must keep them on, try to use yellow sodium vapor lights, which are less attractive to insects and, therefore, fewer spiders.
Don’t leave shoes outside Black widows love to hide in dark places such as shoes, so avoid stepping into shoes that have been left outside for extended periods. Make sure to shake out old shoes and clothing before using them.
Declutter regularly Get rid of unnecessary items in your home to reduce hiding places for black widow spiders. Donate or throw away items such as old boxes, newspapers, and magazines that may pile up in your home.

Following these simple tips can help prevent black widow spiders from invading your living space. A clean and organized home is not only spider-free but also healthier and more comfortable to live in.

Sealing Cracks and Openings

If you want to prevent black widow spiders from entering your home, one of the most effective ways to do so is by sealing cracks and openings. These small entrances may seem insignificant to you, but they can provide a perfect passage for spiders to get into your home.

Here are some steps you can take to seal off cracks and openings:

  • Inspect the exterior walls of your home – examine them for any cracks, crevices, or gaps that spiders might be able to enter. Look around windows, doors, vents, and pipes.
  • Fill any cracks or gaps with caulk or foam – use a sealant to fill in any gaps or holes that you find. Choose a sealant that is appropriate for the size of the gap and the material of your walls.
  • Install weather stripping – use weather stripping around windows and doors to seal off any gaps that spiders could use to enter your home.
  • Repair damaged screens – if your windows or doors have damaged screens, replace them so that spiders can’t crawl through any holes.
  • Install door sweeps – use door sweeps at the bottom of your doors to prevent spiders from entering from underneath.

By taking these simple steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of black widow spiders entering your home. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to pest control, and sealing off cracks and openings is one of the most effective forms of prevention.

Reducing Clutter

A cluttered living space can be a haven for black widow spiders, and reducing clutter is one effective way of reducing their presence in your home. When there are piles of boxes or clothes on the floor, it can be difficult to spot a black widow. Here are a few tips to help you reduce clutter and keep black widow spiders at bay:

Tip Description
1 Organize your belongings: Go through your belongings and get rid of anything you no longer use or need. Organize the rest so that everything has its own designated space. This will help you to keep your home tidy and reduce clutter.
2 Clear pathways: Keep your pathways clear of obstacles and clutter. This will make it easier to clean and help you to spot any spiders that may be lurking in the corners.
3 Dispose of cardboard boxes: Cardboard boxes are ideal hiding places for black widow spiders. If you have cardboard boxes lying around, dispose of them or keep them off the ground.
4 Store items in closed containers: Whenever possible, store your belongings in closed containers. This will help to deter black widows from making their homes in your things.
5 Don’t hoard: Avoid hoarding items. Extra stuff lying around will only make it more difficult to keep your home clean and clutter-free.

By taking these simple steps to reduce clutter in your home, you can make it much less hospitable to black widow spiders. Doing so, combined with the use of effective baits and traps to catch any existing spiders, will help you to banish these venomous pests from your home once and for all.

Professional Pest Control

If you’re dealing with a severe black widow spider infestation, it may be time to consider professional pest control. While there are many DIY methods for trapping and eliminating black widow spiders, a professional exterminator has the tools and expertise to ensure that your home is completely free of these dangerous pests.

Professional pest control companies offer a range of services, from one-time treatments to ongoing preventative measures. Some common methods used by pest control professionals to eliminate black widow spiders include insecticides, baits, and traps. These methods are much more effective than DIY solutions and can ensure that your home is free from black widow spiders for good.

To choose the right pest control company, do your research and look for a company with a good reputation and plenty of experience dealing with black widow spiders. Check online reviews and ask for recommendations from friends and family. Once you’ve found a company that seems trustworthy, contact them to schedule an inspection and get an estimate for services.

When it comes to black widow spiders, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Don’t hesitate to call in the professionals if your attempts to trap and eliminate black widows on your own aren’t working. With their expertise and specialized equipment, pest control professionals can ensure that your home is a safe and spider-free environment for you and your family.

Here is an HTML table that summarizes the key takeaways of hiring professional pest control:

Pros of Professional Pest Control Cons of Professional Pest Control
Effective methods for trapping and eliminating black widow spiders Can be more expensive than DIY solutions
Ensures that your home is completely free of black widow spiders Requires the homeowner to vacate the property for a certain period of time
Professional exterminators have the tools and expertise to handle severe infestations May require multiple treatments to completely eliminate all black widow spiders


In conclusion, trapping black widow spiders is a simple and effective method for controlling their populations within your home. Using sticky glue traps or live insects such as crickets and cockroaches, or even using other spiders as bait can lure these dangerous arachnids and keep them from causing harm to you or your family.

However, it’s important to remember that trapping black widow spiders safely is crucial to preventing personal injury. Wearing gloves and avoiding direct contact with the spiders is recommended, and disposing of them properly will ensure they do not escape and pose a threat elsewhere.

Preventing black widow spider infestations in the first place is also key to keeping your home and family safe. Keeping a clean home, sealing cracks and openings, and reducing clutter can all deter these spiders from making themselves at home in your living space.

If all else fails and you find yourself with a black widow spider infestation, it’s best to seek professional pest control services. Certified professionals will have the experience and knowledge needed to safely and effectively remove these spiders and prevent them from coming back.

Remember, taking the necessary precautions and implementing prevention methods can save you the stress and danger of dealing with a black widow spider infestation. Stay vigilant, stay safe, and keep your home spider-free.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can black widow spiders be found in all parts of the United States?

Black widow spiders can be found in most parts of the United States, from the West Coast to the East Coast.

2. Are black widow spider bites deadly?

While black widow spider bites can be painful and uncomfortable, they are rarely deadly to healthy adults. However, children and elderly individuals may experience more severe symptoms.

3. How can I identify a black widow spider?

Black widow spiders are typically black with a distinctive red hourglass shape on their abdomen. Females are larger than males and have a shiny, smooth body.

4. Can black widow spiders climb walls and ceilings?

Yes, black widow spiders are able to climb walls and even ceilings with their strong legs and ability to produce silk webs.

5. What is the best way to trap black widow spiders?

The most effective way to trap black widow spiders is by using sticky glue traps or live bait such as crickets or other insects.

6. How should I safely dispose of trapped black widow spiders?

Trapped black widow spiders can be disposed of by placing the trap in a plastic bag and sealing it, then throwing it away in an outdoor trash bin.

7. What are some signs of a black widow spider infestation?

If you notice multiple black widow spiders in your home or find their webs in areas with high humidity or moisture, you may have an infestation. Additionally, if you are experiencing unexplained bites or allergic reactions, it may also be a sign of an infestation.

8. What steps can I take to prevent a black widow spider infestation?

You can prevent a black widow spider infestation by keeping a clean home, sealing cracks and openings, reducing clutter, and seeking professional pest control services.

9. Are there any natural ways to repel or deter black widow spiders?

There are some natural remedies that may repel black widow spiders, such as placing citrus peels or chestnuts in areas where they are commonly found. However, these methods may not be effective on their own and should be used in conjunction with other preventative measures.

10. Should I attempt to remove a black widow spider on my own?

It is generally recommended to seek professional pest control services for removing black widow spiders, as they can be dangerous and difficult to handle. If you do attempt to remove one on your own, be sure to wear gloves and avoid direct contact.


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