Protect Your Home from Black Widow Spiders’ Prey

» Types » Black Widow Spiders » Black Widow Interesting Facts » Black Widow Diet and Prey » Protect Your Home from Black Widow Spiders’ Prey

Walking into your home only to discover black widow spiders and their prey scurrying around can be a terrifying experience. Not only are these venomous spiders dangerous to humans, but their prey can also attract other unwanted pests into your home. As a homeowner, it’s important to take preventative measures to protect your home from the attraction of black widow prey. In this article, we’ll discuss how to identify black widow prey, understand the danger of black widow spiders, and provide step-by-step tips on how to protect your home from these unwanted pests.

Why You Want Black Widow Prey to Stay Away

Why You Want Black Widow Prey To Stay Away
It’s important to keep black widow prey away from your home. Black widow spiders are known for their venomous bites, and their prey can attract these dangerous arachnids. Black widows are solitary hunters who consume a variety of insects, such as crickets, moths, and beetles. They are capable of eating large prey, and their diet can vary depending on their gender and location. With their effectiveness of venom, black widow spiders can develop hunger quickly, and they may become active hunters looking for food. In this article, we will help you understand the threat of black widow spiders and why you want to keep their prey away from your home.

Understanding the Threat of Black Widow Spiders

Black Widow spiders are known for their potent venom and distinctive appearance. These spiders are found throughout North America, and can pose a serious threat to humans and pets. Understanding the threat that Black Widow spiders pose is important if you want to protect your home from these dangerous pests.

Types of Black Widow Spiders: There are several species of Black Widow spiders, but the two most common in North America are the Southern Black Widow and the Western Black Widow. Southern Black Widows are typically found in the southeastern United States, while Western Black Widows are found in the western half of the country.

Black Widow Spider Behavior: Black Widow spiders are solitary hunters, meaning they do not hunt in groups. They typically build their webs in dark, secluded areas such as garages, sheds, and woodpiles. Black Widow spiders are active hunters, which means they actively search for prey rather than wait for it to come to them. They are most active at night and during the warmer months of the year.

Diet: Black Widow spiders primarily feed on insects, but they have been known to eat other spiders and even small animals like mice. They use their venom to immobilize their prey before consuming it. Black Widow spiders can eat up to 25% of their body weight in a single meal, and can go for weeks between feedings.

Hunger: The hunger level of a Black Widow spider can vary depending on the season and the availability of prey. While they can go for weeks without food, they tend to eat more during the warmer months when prey is more abundant.

Venom Effectiveness: Black Widow spider venom is one of the most potent of any spider in North America. It can cause serious symptoms such as muscle spasms, cramps, and even paralysis. While bites are rarely fatal, they can be very painful and require medical attention.

Black Widow spiders are dangerous pests that should be taken seriously. By understanding their behavior and diet, you can take steps to protect your home and family from these venomous spiders.

Identifying Black Widow Prey

Identifying Black Widow Prey:

It’s important to know what types of insects and bugs are attractive to black widow spiders to take preventive measures. Some common black widow prey include:

  • Crickets: Black widow spiders are known to hunt crickets, which are their preferred food source.
  • Beetles: These crawling insects might be attractive to black widows due to their slow movement and high protein levels.
  • Roaches: Black widows might be drawn to roaches due to their size and slow movements.
  • Flies: Although black widows don’t actively hunt for flies, they might get tangled in their webs and become part of their diet.

It’s important to note that black widow spiders are solitary hunters and consume their prey slowly. They don’t need to eat every day, and a single black widow can eat up to 20 insects per week. This means that even a small infestation of black widow spiders can pose a significant threat to your home.

To learn more about the black widow diet and hunting behavior, check out our article on how black widow spiders hunt solo and what they consume as prey.

Keep Black Widow Prey at Bay with These Tips

Keep Black Widow Prey At Bay With These Tips
Protecting your home from attracting Black Widow prey is essential to ensure you and your family’s safety. Taking necessary precautions to keep Black Widow prey away will also help in keeping these venomous spiders at bay. Follow these simple yet effective tips to protect your home from attracting Black Widow prey. By doing so, you’ll be able to minimize the possibility of Black Widow spiders setting up their webs in and around your home. Plus, you’ll learn about the types of prey they like to consume, such as large prey and the variations in their diet.

Keep Your Home and Yard Clean and Tidy

Keeping your home and yard clean and tidy is one of the most effective ways to prevent black widow spiders from attracting prey to your property. These spiders are attracted to areas with clutter and debris, so it’s important to keep things neat and organized. Here are some tips to help you keep your home and yard tidy:

  • Clean regularly: Dust and vacuum your home regularly to keep it free of dirt and debris. Pay special attention to hidden areas like under furniture and behind appliances where dust and spider webs can accumulate.
  • Store food properly: Seal all food in airtight containers to prevent attracting prey insects. Make sure to keep your pantry and food storage areas clean, and discard any expired food items.
  • Remove clutter: Get rid of any piles of clutter in your home or yard. This includes stacks of newspapers or magazines, old cardboard boxes, and any other items that could make a good hiding place for spiders or their prey.
  • Clear out debris: Remove any piles of leaves, grass, or wood debris from your yard. These areas provide a hiding place for pests and can attract predators like black widow spiders.
  • Maintain your landscaping: Keep your lawn and garden well-maintained by trimming back overgrowth and removing dead plants. This will help prevent attracting prey insects and also discourage spiders from taking up residence.
  • Secure outdoor trash cans: Make sure your outdoor trash cans have tight-fitting lids and are stored away from your home to avoid attracting unwanted pests, which could in turn attract black widow spiders.

By following these simple tips, you can create an environment that is less attractive to black widow prey and decrease the likelihood of encountering these dangerous spiders. For more information about black widow spiders and their diet, check out our article on black widow hunger.

Use Natural Repellents

Using natural repellents is a great way to keep black widow prey away from your home. Natural repellents are a non-toxic and eco-friendly alternative to chemical insecticides. Here are some natural repellents that you can try:

Repellent Effectiveness How to Use
Peppermint oil Peppermint oil is effective in repelling black widow prey like mosquitoes, flies, and ants. Add 10-15 drops of peppermint oil in a spray bottle filled with water. Shake well and spray around areas where black widow prey may be present.
Neem oil Neem oil is effective in repelling black widow prey like spiders, mosquitoes, and cockroaches. It also acts as an insecticide that disrupts the growth and reproduction of insects. Mix neem oil with water and spray around the perimeter of your home, windows, and doorways.
Citrus oil Citrus oil is effective in repelling black widow prey like ants, fleas, and spiders. Mix citrus oil with water and spray around the entry points of your home. You can also use citrus peels and spread them around the perimeter of your home.
Vinegar Vinegar is effective in repelling black widow prey like ants and spiders. Mix vinegar and water in equal parts and spray around the areas where black widow prey may gather. You can also use vinegar to wipe down surfaces to make them less attractive to insects.

It’s important to note that natural repellents may not be as effective as chemical insecticides and may need to be reapplied more frequently. Additionally, while natural repellents are generally safe for humans and pets, some people may be allergic to certain essential oils. If you have any concerns or allergies, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional before using natural repellents.

While natural repellents can be helpful, they may not completely eliminate the presence of black widow prey. If the problem persists, you may need to use additional methods or seek the help of a professional pest control service.

Be sure to check out our article on black widow venom effectiveness to learn more about the dangers of black widows and their prey.

Turn off Outdoor Lights

Turning off outdoor lights can also help to keep black widow prey away from your home. Insects are attracted to light, which in turn attracts spiders and their prey. By keeping your outdoor lights off, especially overnight, you can reduce the number of insects around your home that may attract black widow spiders.

Many insects that black widows prey on are also nocturnal, so outdoor lighting could create the perfect environment for black widows to hunt. By reducing the number of insects available, you can discourage black widows from making your home their hunting ground.

Additionally, research has shown that some types of lights can attract more insects than others. LED lights tend to attract fewer insects than other types of bulbs. You could consider switching to LED lights or dimming them to reduce their attractiveness to insects.

Turning off outdoor lights isn’t just good for keeping away black widow prey, it can also save energy and reduce your electricity bills. So, it’s a win-win situation!

However, if you need outdoor lighting for security reasons, you can try using motion-activated lights or installing timed lights that turn off after a certain period. This way, you can have the necessary lighting without attracting excessive insects.

Remember, by taking these simple steps, including turning off your outdoor lights, you can help to prevent your home from attracting black widow prey, which reduces the chances of black widows making your home their hunting ground.

Use Caulk and Screens to Seal Entry Points

Keeping black widow prey at bay requires sealing off potential entry points in your home. By using caulk and screens to seal these entry points, you can eliminate potential hiding spots for these predators and lower their chances of finding their way inside. Here are some key tips for sealing entry points and protecting your home:

  • Inspect your home’s exterior: Walk around the perimeter of your home and carefully inspect for any gaps or holes in the foundation, siding or roofline. Even a small opening can provide entry for black widow spiders and other pests if left unsealed.
  • Caulk openings: Use a high-quality silicone-based caulk to fill in any gaps or openings you find, making sure to seal around window and door frames, utility entry points and other gaps or cracks in the home’s exterior.
  • Keep screens in good repair: Install screens on all windows and doors, ensuring they are in good repair and free of any holes or tears that could provide entry for insects and other pests.
  • Choose the right type of screen: If you live in an area with a high population of black widows, consider using a finer mesh screen to block even the smallest pests from entering your home.
  • Seal your garage: Most garages have a variety of openings, from the main door to side doors and pet entrances. Seal these off with caulk and screens to keep pests out.

By taking the time to carefully seal up your home, you can create a barrier that deters black widow spiders and their prey from gaining access. By reducing the number of insects and other pests in your home, you can lower the allure of your home as a hunting ground for black widow spiders.

Trim Trees and Shrubs near Your Home

Trim Trees and Shrubs near Your Home: A black widow spider’s diet consists mainly of insects. If you have trees or shrubs that are too close to your home, they may provide a gateway into your home for these insects, and it could also attract black widows to set up their webs. The closer the trees and shrubs are to your home, the easier it is for insects to gain access to your home, thereby increasing the likelihood of attracting black widows. It is important to trim any trees or shrubs near your home regularly.

Trimming trees and shrubs will not only help you reduce the chances of a black widow infestation but will also improve the overall appearance of your home. Trimming trees and shrubs also improves the air circulation around your home and prevents humidity buildup, making your home a less appealing place for black widows to settle.

It is particularly essential to trim trees and bushes that touch your home. Once you have trimmed them, make it a habit to check them frequently. Make sure there are no new branches growing close to the house.

By trimming trees and shrubs, you can decrease the number of insects around your home, making it less appealing to black widows to spin their webs. Having said that, it is essential to remember that black widow prey can come from a variety of places, and while trimming trees and shrubs may decrease the number of insects in your yard, it is not a guarantee that you will not have them.

For more information about black widow spider’s diet, read our article “Are Humans on the Black Widow Spider’s Diet?”.

What to Do If You Find Black Widow Spiders or Their Prey

Discovering black widow spiders or their prey in or near your home can be an alarming experience. While prevention is key to keeping these venomous spiders at bay, it’s important to have a plan in place in case you do come across them. In this section, we’ll explore what to do if you find black widow spiders or their prey. Whether you’re dealing with an infestation or just a single spider, it’s essential to take steps to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you. So, let’s dive in and learn how to handle these potentially dangerous situations.

How to Safely Remove Black Widow Spiders

Removing a black widow spider from your home can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t know how to do it safely. It is essential to handle the situation with care because black widow spider bites can be dangerous, even deadly. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to safely remove a black widow spider from your home:

Step 1: Identify the Spider

Before attempting to remove the spider, make sure you have correctly identified it as a black widow. Look for the characteristic red hourglass shape on the spider’s abdomen. If you are unsure whether or not the spider you are dealing with is a black widow, do not attempt to remove it and instead seek the help of a pest control professional.

Step 2: Wear Protective Gear

To prevent any contact with the spider, put on gloves and other protective gear such as long sleeves and pants.

Step 3: Capture the Spider

The best way to capture a black widow spider from your home is to use a glass jar or a plastic container with a lid. Carefully slide the container over the spider, ensuring that you do not touch it. Once the spider is trapped inside the container, put the lid on it and secure it tightly.

Step 4: Release the Spider

After you have captured the spider, it’s time to release it back into nature, far away from your home. If you don’t want the spider on your property, release it in a wooded area or bushy field, at least a mile away from your home.

Remember to always exercise caution when handling black widow spiders. If you are bitten by a black widow spider, seek medical attention immediately.

Pro tip: If you noticed any black widow prey in your home, it is vital to eliminate them as well. One of the ways you can do this is by vacuuming up any webs, eggs, or prey you may find. Dispose of the vacuum bag outside your home in a sealed container.

In case you want to know more about what black widow spiders eat and how they hunt for their prey, click here to read our article on “Black Widow Spiders: Active Hunter or Ambush Predator?”

Eliminating Black Widow Prey

Eliminating Black Widow Prey is an important step in protecting your home from attracting these dangerous spiders. Here are several effective methods to consider:

  • Remove clutter and debris: Black Widows love to hide and nest in dark, undisturbed areas such as piles of wood, rocks, or clutter. Keep your yard and outdoor areas clean and tidy to eliminate potential hiding spots for prey.
  • Reduce the number of insects: Since Black Widow spiders feed primarily on insects, reducing the number of insects in and around your home can help starve them out. Consider using insect traps or calling in a professional pest control company to eliminate any insect infestations.
  • Use insecticides: While it’s always best to use natural remedies first, insecticides can be an effective last resort for eliminating Black Widow prey. Be sure to follow safety instructions and avoid using insecticides in areas where pets or children may come into contact with them.
  • Install screens: Installing screens over vents and windows can help prevent insects from entering your home, thus reducing the food source for Black Widows.

Remember, eliminating the prey of Black Widow spiders is just one step in protecting your home. Be sure to also take preventative measures to keep these spiders from entering your home in the first place.

When to Call a Professional

When it comes to dealing with black widow spiders or their prey, it is important to assess the situation and determine whether or not to call a professional. While some people may feel confident enough to handle the issue on their own, others may feel more comfortable leaving it to the experts.

Here are some situations where it may be best to call in a professional:

Situation Reason to Call a Professional
You have a large infestation of black widow spiders. A professional can safely and effectively eliminate the spiders from your home.
You have found a black widow spider in a high-traffic area of your home. A professional can safely remove the spider and assess the situation to determine if there are others.
You have been bitten by a black widow spider. Since black widow spider bites can be dangerous, seeking medical attention immediately is important.
You have found a large amount of black widow prey in your home or yard. This could indicate a larger problem with black widow spiders nearby. A professional can assess the situation and implement effective measures to address the problem.

It is important to note that while black widow spiders do eat large prey, they are generally not aggressive towards humans and will only bite in self-defense. However, if you are bitten by a black widow spider or are concerned about an infestation of black widow spiders or their prey, it is always better to err on the side of caution and seek professional help.


In conclusion, protecting your home from attracting black widow spiders’ prey is essential for the well-being and safety of your family and pets. By implementing the tips outlined above, such as keeping your surroundings clean and tidy, using natural repellents, turning off outdoor lights, sealing entry points, and trimming trees and shrubs, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of black widow spiders and their prey from calling your home their own.

However, if you do find evidence of black widow spiders or their prey, it’s crucial to take proper action immediately. This includes safely removing black widow spiders and eliminating their prey with caution, as well as knowing when to seek professional help.

Remember, even though black widow spiders play a crucial role in our ecosystem, they can pose a significant risk to human and animal health. Understanding the threat of black widow spiders, identifying their prey, and taking necessary precautions are all critical steps in protecting your home.

By employing these methods and staying informed about black widow spiders and their dietary habits, you can effectively safeguard your home and enjoy a pest-free living environment. For more information on male and female black widow spiders and their diet, check out our in-depth article on male and female black widow diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can black widow prey attract other dangerous predators?

Yes, by attracting insects and pests, black widow prey can also attract other dangerous predators like scorpions and centipedes.

What is the best way to prevent black widow prey from entering my home?

Using caulk and screens to seal entry points is the best way to prevent black widow prey from entering your home.

What are some natural repellents to keep black widow prey away from my home?

Peppermint oil, vinegar, and citrus oils are natural repellents that can keep black widow prey away from your home.

What does black widow prey consist of?

Black widow prey consists of insects, pests, and other small arthropods like roaches, crickets, and beetles.

How dangerous are black widow spiders and their prey?

Black widow spiders and their prey can be extremely dangerous, as they carry venom that can cause severe allergic reactions, muscle pain, and even death in some cases.

Can black widow prey damage my home?

Yes, black widow prey can damage your home by nesting in the walls, which can cause damage to the structure of your home over time.

What are some signs that I may have black widow prey in my home?

If you notice an increase in insect and pest activity around your home, or find webs and egg sacs in dark, secluded places like basements and crawlspaces, you may have black widow prey in your home.

Is it safe to remove black widow spiders and their prey on my own?

While it is possible to remove black widow spiders and their prey on your own, it can be dangerous and should only be done if you have experience dealing with venomous insects and pests.

How can I remove black widow spiders and their prey from my home?

You can remove black widow spiders and their prey from your home using a vacuum cleaner or by using spider traps, but it is important to handle them carefully and wear gloves to prevent bites.

When should I call a professional to deal with black widow spiders and their prey?

You should call a professional to deal with black widow spiders and their prey if you have a severe infestation, or if you are not comfortable dealing with venomous insects and pests on your own.


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