How to Keep Spiders Out of Your Shed: Simple Tips to Keep Spiders Away

» Control » How to Keep Spiders Out of Your Shed: Simple Tips to Keep Spiders Away

Are you tired of dealing with spiders in your shed? If so, you’re not alone. Spiders can be a nuisance, and they can take up residence in your shed if you don’t take active steps to keep them out. Fortunately, there are a few simple and effective ways to prevent spiders from invading your shed. In this article, we’ll go over some tips on how to keep spiders out of your shed and save you from those creepy-crawlies.

Why Spiders Are a Problem in Sheds

Why Spiders Are A Problem In Sheds

Problem Risk
Bites: Some spiders can bite, which can result in irritation and swelling.
Spreading Diseases: Spiders can spread diseases through their bite, as well as by coming into contact with food and other items.
Clutter: Spiders can cause clutter in the shed by spinning webs and leaving droppings.
Unwanted Guests: Spiders attract other unwanted guests, such as ants, roaches, and other insects.

Spiders can be a great asset to your garden, keeping insect populations under control. However, when they enter your shed, they can quickly become a nuisance. Spiders can cause a range of problems in your shed, including bites, spreading of diseases, clutter and attracting other unwanted guests.

Prevent Spiders From Entering Your Shed

Prevent Spiders From Entering Your Shed

1. Seal Up Gaps and Crevices

Check your shed for any gaps or crevices and seal them up using caulk, weather stripping, or steel wool. Any opening is a potential entry point for spiders.

2. Keep Your Shed Clean and Uncluttered

Spiders like to hide in cluttered and dark spaces. Keep your shed clean and free of debris to discourage spiders from entering.

3. Remove Sources of Food and Water

Insects are a food source for spiders, so if you remove the food source, you can help reduce spider activity. Remove any standing water and keep food sources sealed in containers.

4. Use Natural Repellents

Using natural repellents such as essential oils, cedar chips, or garlic can help keep spiders away. Place these repellents around the perimeter of your shed to keep spiders out.

Get Rid of Existing Spiders

Get Rid Of Existing Spiders

  • Inspect the shed for spiders and their webs.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner attached with a hose attachment to suck up spiders and webs.
  • A broom and dustpan can also help sweep up spiders and webs.
  • Spray insecticide on spiders and webs to kill them.
  • Spray insecticide along the walls and baseboards of the shed.
  • Apply insecticide along the windowsills and door frames.
  • Place sticky traps around the shed to catch spiders.
  • Place diatomaceous earth around the shed to keep spiders away.

Non-Chemical Methods

Non-Chemical Methods


Vacuuming spiders out of a shed is a simple and effective way to remove them from the area. Make sure to wear gloves, as spiders can bite.

2. Sticky Traps

2. Sticky Traps

Advantages Disadvantages
Inexpensive Visually unappealing
Easy to set up More labor intensive to regularly check, reset and dispose of
Capture large numbers of spiders Inhumane

Sticky traps are among the most popular methods of spider control. They are cheap, easy to set up, and capture large numbers of spiders. However, they are visually unappealing, labor intensive to regularly check, reset and dispose of, and inhumane.

3. Physically Capture and Release

3. Physically Capture And Release
The most common and effective way to keep spiders out of the shed is to physically capture and release them. This can be done by using a vacuum cleaner, as it can suck up spiders and other bugs with ease. After vacuuming the spiders, they should be placed in a plastic bag, sealed and then released at least one mile away from the shed. This will ensure that the spiders won’t make the journey back to the shed. Alternatively, a glue board can be used to capture and remove spiders. Glue boards are sticky boards that spiders can get stuck on, allowing them to be removed quickly and safely.

Chemical Methods

Chemical Methods

Method Description
Chemical sprays Spraying chemical compounds like insecticides, pyrethrins and pyrethroids in the shed will kill spiders. This should be done regularly to prevent spiders from returning.
Chemical dusts Chemical dusts like diatomaceous earth are effective in killing spiders. This should be done at least once in a month to prevent spiders from returning.
Chemical traps Using chemical traps like sticky traps and pheromone traps are effective in trapping spiders. This should be done regularly to prevent spiders from returning.

1. Spider Repellents

1. Spider Repellents

  • Spray insect repellent containing DEET, permethrin, or other active ingredients around window and door frames, as well as other entry points.
  • Use a ready-to-use spider repellent, such as peppermint or citrus oil, to spray around the shed.
  • Sprinkle cayenne pepper or cinnamon powder in areas where spiders may be entering the shed.
  • Use a natural spider repellent, such as an essential oil blend, to spray around the shed.

2. Insecticides

Insecticides can help to keep spiders out of a shed, as they will kill the insects that attract spiders. Spraying insecticidal aerosols in corners and other areas where spiders may hide can help deter them. Insecticides that are labeled specifically for spiders should be used, as they contain active ingredients that will specifically target them. Insecticides should be applied according to the instructions on the label, and care should be taken to avoid breathing in the insecticide or getting it on skin or clothing. Insecticides should not be used around food or food preparation areas.

Factors to Consider Before Using Pesticides

  • The type of pesticide being used. Some pesticides are more toxic than others and can have an adverse effect on the environment.
  • The amount of insecticides or pesticides to be used. Too much can cause more harm than good, so it is important to follow the directions on the product label.
  • The safety of the pesticide. Some pesticides can be harmful to humans, pets, and wildlife and should not be used in areas where these are present.
  • The environment in which the pesticide will be used. Some pesticides are designed for indoor use only, while others are designed for outdoor use. Ensure the right product is used for the right environment.
  • The cost of the pesticide. Pesticides can be expensive, so it is important to shop around to find the most cost effective product.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do to keep spiders out of my shed?

To keep spiders from entering your shed, seal any cracks or holes in its walls or foundation. Make sure to check around windows and doors for potential entry points. To discourage spiders from entering, clear away any debris, such as piles of leaves or firewood, from the outside of the shed. Keep the area surrounding the shed free of tall grass and weeds. Place sticky traps or glue boards around the perimeter of the shed to catch any spiders that may try to enter. Place a barrier of diatomaceous earth around the perimeter of the shed as an additional measure of protection. Finally, regularly perform maintenance and cleaning inside the shed to remove any spiders that may have already gotten inside.

How do I get rid of spiders in my shed?

Clean out the shed and eliminate any potential spider food sources such as insects, webs, and egg sacs. Vacuum the shed regularly to remove webs and spiders. Seal any cracks or holes around the shed to prevent spiders from entering. Install door sweeps and screens to keep spiders out. Apply insecticides as needed to help reduce the population of spiders.

What are some effective ways to prevent spiders from entering my Shed?

Keep the shed clean and dust-free, as spiders are attracted to clutter, debris and cobwebs. Seal any potential entry points, such as cracks and crevices, to prevent spiders from entering. Install door sweeps, weather stripping, and sealant to further protect your shed from spiders. Install sticky traps and glue boards around the outside of the shed and along any windows to catch spiders. Place menthol crystals, cedar chips, or peppermint oil around the perimeter of the shed to repel spiders. Use a vacuum to remove any existing spiders and webs from the shed.

Are there any natural methods to keep spiders away from my shed?

Natural methods to keep spiders away from your shed include using essential oils, like peppermint, lemon, and eucalyptus. You can apply these oils by spraying them around the perimeter of your shed, or by creating a homemade repellent using these oils and water. Additionally, you can reduce the spider population in your shed by removing webs, keeping the area clean, and sealing off any entry points.

Are there any specific steps I can take to deter spiders from entering my shed?

To deter spiders from entering your shed, seal any cracks or gaps in your shed walls, doors and windows. Remove any spider webs and egg sacs that you find on the outside of your shed. Install mesh screens over the windows and doors of your shed and keep them well maintained. Fill in any gaps around pipes and wires that enter your shed. Place a strip of double-sided tape around the door frame to trap any spiders that may try to enter. Regularly vacuum and dust your shed to remove any spiders and their webs. Finally, keep the area around your shed clean and clear of debris and clutter.


To prevent spiders from entering your shed, regularly check for openings in the walls, including cracks and crevices. Seal up any entry points you find with caulk, weather stripping, and mesh screens. Keep the area clean and remove any spider webs or egg sacs that you see. To discourage spiders, keep the shed free of clutter, remove any food sources, and fill in any holes or gaps around the shed. Finally, use natural repellents like peppermint oil and citrus peels to keep spiders away.

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