Alternatives to Pesticides for Controlling Black Widow Spiders

» Types » Black Widow Spiders » Black Widow Prevention and Removal » Black Widow Using Pesticides Safely » Alternatives to Pesticides for Controlling Black Widow Spiders

As warm weather approaches, it’s not uncommon to see black widow spiders lurking in dark corners and crevices. These venomous spiders are not only creepy but can also pose a threat to your health and well-being. While many people reach for harsh pesticides to get rid of them, there are plenty of effective alternatives that are safer for the environment and your family. In this article, we’ll explore the top alternatives to pesticides for controlling black widow spiders and offer tips for keeping these eight-legged pests at bay.

Why Avoid Pesticides

Why Avoid Pesticides
Pesticides are commonly used to get rid of black widow spiders in homes and yards. However, relying on pesticides may not always be the most effective or safe solution. It is important to consider the potential risks associated with pesticide use before applying them to your environment. Not only can pesticides be harmful to human health and the environment, but they can also negatively impact beneficial insects and animals. Exploring alternative methods for controlling black widow spiders is essential. Consider opting for natural solutions to keep both yourself and the ecosystem safe.

Health and Environmental Risks

The use of pesticides is not only harmful to the environment but also poses a serious threat to human health. Exposure to pesticides can lead to various health hazards, including respiratory problems, headaches, nausea, and skin irritation. Pesticides also contaminate soil and water, adversely affecting the natural ecosystem.

Here are some health and environmental risks associated with the use of pesticides for controlling black widow spiders:

  • Pesticides have a toxic effect on non-target organisms, including bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. The use of broad-spectrum pesticides can kill these insects, causing an imbalance in the ecosystem.
  • The residues of pesticides can linger on the surface of fruits and vegetables, posing a serious health risk to humans.
  • The repeated use of pesticides can lead to the development of resistance in pests, making it difficult to control them in the long run.
  • Pesticides are often non-specific and can harm beneficial predators like spiders that feed on black widows, leading to further problems with pest control.
  • Groundwater contamination can occur when pesticides leach into the soil. This can lead to exposure of toxins to humans who consume contaminated water.
  • The process of manufacturing and using pesticides generates a significant amount of waste, which leads to environmental pollution and poses a risk to wildlife.

Rather than relying on pesticides to control black widow spiders, there are several natural and safer alternatives available. Using these methods will help minimize the health and environmental risk associated with the use of synthetic pesticides.

For more information about pesticides for black widow spiders, please visit this guide. If you’re interested in learning more about effective pest management strategies for black widow spiders, please check out this article.

Risk to Beneficial Insects and Animals

When we use pesticides to control black widow spiders, we not only harm the spiders but also pose a risk to other beneficial insects and animals. These pesticides contain chemicals that are toxic to a wide range of creatures, including bees, butterflies, ladybugs, and birds, which helps maintain the natural balance of our ecosystem.

The risks to beneficial insects and animals include:

  • Reducing the population of pollinators like bees and butterflies that play an essential role in maintaining plant life.
  • Harming predators such as ladybugs and praying mantises, which can help control populations of other insects like aphids.
  • Pesticides can also be fatal to birds as they use their beaks to clean themselves, and unknowingly ingest the toxic chemicals that accumulate on their feathers.

These harmful effects can have a ripple effect on our environment and impact not only the animal populations but also the food chain. A disturbance in the balance of our ecosystem can lead to:

  • An increase in pest populations leading to a reduction in harvests and food production.
  • A drop in the population of pollinators can lead to a reduction in plant life, which can further impact the ecosystem and food chain.
  • These chemicals can also seep into the soil, affecting the soil quality and the growth of crops.

Instead of harming the beneficial insects and animals, it is better to use alternative methods that do not adversely affect them. Incorporating natural alternatives such as essential oils, sticky traps, or introducing natural predators can help in controlling black widow spider populations and maintaining the ecological balance.

Top Alternatives to Pesticides

Top Alternatives To Pesticides
Are you looking for effective ways to control black widow spiders without the use of harmful pesticides? There are plenty of alternative methods that can provide you with a safer and more environmentally-friendly option. Here are some top alternatives to pesticides that you can use to keep black widow spiders away from your home and garden. These methods are both effective and budget-friendly, making them a great choice for anyone who wants to protect their family and pets without putting their health at risk.

Use Essential Oils

There are various essential oils that are effective in repelling black widow spiders. These oils are natural and safer alternatives to pesticides. Here are some essential oils that you can use to control black widow spiders:

  • Peppermint oil: Peppermint oil is a natural spider repellent that can be used to keep away black widow spiders. You can spray peppermint oil around your home, near the windows and doors, and in the corners of your home to repel spiders.
  • Lavender oil: Lavender oil is another essential oil that can be used to control black widow spiders. It has a strong scent that spiders do not like. You can use a lavender oil spray to repel spiders.
  • Eucalyptus oil: Eucalyptus oil is also an effective spider repellent. It has a strong scent that spiders do not like. You can spray eucalyptus oil in the areas where you have noticed spiders to repel them.
  • Citrus oil: Citrus oil is another essential oil that can be used to repel black widow spiders. It has a fresh scent that spiders do not like. You can use a citrus oil spray to repel spiders.
  • Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil can also be used to control black widow spiders. It has a strong scent that spiders do not like. You can use a tea tree oil spray to repel spiders.

Note that you should dilute the essential oils before use. Also, essential oils should not be used on surfaces that are sensitive to oils, such as fabrics, carpets, and painted surfaces. Essential oils can be harmful to pets, so make sure to keep them away from the areas where you spray the oils.

Remove Spider Habitats

Spider habitats are a crucial factor to consider when it comes to keeping black widow spiders at bay. These arachnids typically hide out in dark, cluttered and undisturbed spaces, so removing or reducing these areas in and around your home can deter them from moving in. Here are some steps you can take to remove spider habitats:

Step Action
1 Declutter your living space: Remove piles of stacked newspapers, boxes, and other clutter that can provide hiding places for spiders.
2 Seal cracks and holes: Small cracks and crevices in walls, foundation, and windows can provide easy entrance for spiders and other pests, so sealing them up can prevent them from gaining entry into your home.
3 Trim vegetation: Tall bushes and plants can create a habitat for black widow spiders, so it is essential to keep them trimmed at all times. Cut back any overgrown shrubs or trees that are too close to your home.
4 Clear out debris: Piles of firewood, brush or leaves can attract spiders and other pests, so it is best to keep them away from your home, or at least keep them elevated off the ground.
5 Keep your home clean: One of the biggest contributors to spider infestations is clutter. Regular cleaning around the house can prevent infestations. Vacuum regularly, especially under furniture, and keep your living spaces tidy.

By taking these steps, you can significantly reduce the number of spider habitats around your home, making it less attractive to black widow spiders. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to controlling pests, so making these changes to your living space is just as critical as any other method of control.

Use Sticky Traps

Sticky traps are a simple but effective way of controlling black widow spiders without resorting to the use of harmful pesticides. These traps work by using a sticky adhesive that traps spiders and prevents them from moving.

Here are the steps to follow when using sticky traps:

  • Identify areas where black widow spiders are frequently found: Look for dark, cool, and damp areas around your home such as basements, garages, and attics where spiders are likely to build their webs.
  • Place sticky traps in these areas: Once you’ve identified areas where spiders are commonly found, place sticky traps in these areas to capture them. Avoid placing traps in areas where pets or children could accidentally come into contact with them.
  • Monitor the traps regularly: Check the sticky traps on a regular basis and replace them if they become full or if they lose their stickiness. This will ensure that the traps remain effective in capturing spiders.
  • Dispose of the traps safely: Once a trap is full, ensure that you dispose of it carefully. If you have caught a spider, avoid touching it as some species such as the black widow spider can be dangerous. Instead, wrap the trap in a plastic bag before disposing of it in the trash.

Sticky traps are a safe and effective way of controlling black widow spiders. They are especially useful in areas where it’s not possible to apply pesticides safely. However, it’s important to note that sticky traps won’t completely eliminate the spider population. It’s also necessary to use other methods in combination with the traps to achieve the best results.

Introduce Natural Predators

One natural and effective way to get rid of Black Widow Spiders is to introduce their natural predators to your garden or yard. By doing this, you’ll create an ecosystem that will help control the spider population without using harmful chemicals. Here are some natural predators that can help you control Black Widow Spiders:

  • Praying Mantis: These insects are known for their voracious appetite for other insects, including spiders. They are also an excellent solution for controlling other pests in your garden. You can purchase praying mantis egg cases online or at some garden centers. Simply hang the egg cases near the spider-infested areas, and the nymphs will hatch when the weather becomes warm.
  • Ladybugs: Ladybugs feed on a variety of insects, including Black Widow Spiders. They are a natural and safe method for controlling spider populations. You can buy ladybugs at most garden centers or online. Simply release them in your garden or yard, and they will help control the spider population over time.
  • Birds: Many bird species, including wrens, sparrows, and bluebirds, feed on spiders as part of their natural diet. You can attract birds to your yard by providing birdhouses and bird feeders. This will create an environment that encourages birds to visit and feed on the spider population.
  • Cats: Most cats are natural predators of spiders and can help control the spider population in your home. If you have an outdoor cat, they may help keep the spider population under control in your garden or yard.

Introducing natural predators can be an effective and safe method for controlling Black Widow Spiders. However, it’s important to note that introducing these predators is not a quick fix and may take time to see results. It’s also important to ensure that you’re not disrupting the natural environment and food chain in your garden or yard.

Use Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth

One effective and natural solution for controlling black widow spiders is the use of food-grade diatomaceous earth. This natural substance is made of the fossilized remains of tiny marine creatures called diatoms and is a fine powder that can be sprinkled around homes, yards, and other spider-infested areas.

How does it work?

Diatomaceous earth works by dehydrating and drying out the exoskeletons of black widow spiders, causing them to die. When the spiders walk through the diatomaceous earth, they will pick up the powder on their legs and bodies, the powder then adheres to their skin, which causes the spiders to dry out and die. This slow-acting method is highly effective against black widow spiders and other crawling pests.

How to use it?

To use food-grade diatomaceous earth, sprinkle it generously around the areas where spiders are seen. Be sure to focus on areas where the spiders may be hiding, such as corners, crevices, and along walls. It is also effective when sprinkled on window sills, around door frames, and in garages and basements. The powder should be reapplied periodically and after any heavy rainfall.

Why use food-grade diatomaceous earth?

It is important to note that only food-grade diatomaceous earth is safe to use around homes and gardens. The food-grade version is non-toxic and safe for people, pets, and the environment. It is important to avoid using pool-grade diatomaceous earth, which is treated with chemicals and is harmful to humans and animals. Also, remember to wear gloves and a mask while applying diatomaceous earth because it is a fine powder that can irritate your lungs and skin.

Other benefits of food-grade diatomaceous earth

In addition to its effectiveness against black widow spiders, food-grade diatomaceous earth also has other benefits. It can help control other crawling pests such as ants, roaches, and fleas. It can also help improve soil quality in gardens and is great for adding minerals to animal feed.

Using food-grade diatomaceous earth is a natural and effective way to control black widow spiders and other crawling pests without the use of harmful chemicals. It is safe and easy to use, making it a great alternative to traditional pesticides.

Other Effective Methods

Other Effective Methods
As black widow spiders can be a serious threat to your health, it is essential to employ effective control measures to keep them at bay. Besides the top alternatives to pesticides, there are other effective methods that can help you eliminate the infestation without the use of harmful chemicals. In this section, we will explore some innovative ways to control these venomous spiders and ensure a safe and healthy environment for you and your family. Let’s dive into some additional techniques that can effectively control black widow spiders.

Keep Your Home and Yard Clean

Maintaining a clean home and yard is an effective way to control black widow spider infestations without using harmful chemical pesticides. Black widows hide in cluttered areas and tall vegetation, so removing these hiding places is crucial to minimizing their presence. Below is a table that outlines specific cleaning tasks you can do both inside and outside the house to control black widow spiders.

Inside the House Outside the House
Declutter – get rid of unused items, such as old newspapers, cardboard boxes, and piles of clothes, that can provide shelter for black widows. Remove debris – eliminate piles of leaves, brush, and grass clippings that can harbor black widows.
Vacuum regularly – clean floors, carpets, and furniture, especially in dark, quiet areas like basements and closets. Trim vegetation – cut back shrubs, bushes, and tree branches to prevent black widows from making webs and hiding in these areas.
Organize storage areas – keep items in plastic containers with tight-fitting lids instead of using cardboard boxes or open bins. Seal gaps and holes – use caulk or weatherstripping to close gaps around doors and windows, and repair any damaged screens.
Dispose of trash properly – use sealed garbage cans and bags, and avoid leaving trash bags outside overnight. Control insect populations – reduce the number of insects around your property by using non-toxic methods like pheromone traps. This will reduce the food source for black widows.

By incorporating these cleaning tasks into your routine, you can create an environment that is less hospitable for black widow spiders. By targeting black widow hiding places, you can minimize the risk of encounters with these venomous spiders and avoid the use of harmful pesticides.

Seal Gaps and Holes

As Black Widow Spiders are known to sneak into homes through small openings, sealing gaps and holes can be an effective way to keep them out. It’s important to inspect your home thoroughly and identify any gaps or holes they can use as entry points. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Inspect Your Home: Walk around your home and check for gaps and holes. The most common entry points are around doors, windows, and pipes. Also, check any outlets or switches on exterior walls and make sure that they are properly insulated.
  • Use Caulk and Weatherstripping: Once you’ve identified any gaps and holes, the next step is to seal them using caulk and weatherstripping. Caulk can be used to fill gaps around door frames, windows, and any other small openings. Weatherstripping is especially useful for sealing gaps around doors and windows, as it helps to keep out both air and insects.
  • Repair Damaged Screens: If you have any damaged screens on windows or doors, be sure to replace them. Black Widow Spiders can easily crawl through small holes in screens, so it’s important to make sure that they are in good condition.
  • Fill Gaps with Steel Wool: If you find any larger gaps around pipes or other openings, fill them with steel wool. This material is too difficult for the spiders to chew through, making it an effective deterrent.

By taking these steps to seal gaps and holes, you can significantly reduce the chances of Black Widow Spiders entering your home. It’s important to inspect your home regularly and make any necessary repairs to keep these pests at bay.

Use Citrus Peels

Citrus peels are a natural and effective way to repel black widow spiders from your home and garden. The strong scent of citrus, particularly from oranges and lemons, is known to be unpleasant to spiders and can keep them away. Here are some simple steps to using citrus peels for spider control:

  • Step 1: Eat or juice citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes or grapefruits and save the peels.
  • Step 2: Place the citrus peels near areas where spiders are known to hide or enter your home such as windows, doors or garden beds.
  • Step 3: Replace the peels every few days to keep the scent strong and effective.

In addition to being a natural spider repellent, citrus peels are also a great way to reduce waste and reuse materials. This method is safe for pets and children, and does not harm the environment or beneficial insects.

However, it’s important to note that while citrus peels can help repel spiders, they may not be a long-term solution for severe infestations. It’s best to use citrus peels in combination with other non-toxic methods for spider control to achieve the best results.

Keep Vegetation Trimmed

One effective way to control black widow spiders without using harmful pesticides is to keep vegetation trimmed around your home and yard. Black widows typically nest in areas with overgrown grass, weeds, and thick shrubs. By keeping the vegetation trimmed, you’ll eliminate their hiding places and reduce their population.

How Does Trimming Vegetation Help in Controlling Black Widow Spiders?

Black widow spiders seek out dark and damp places to make their webs and lay their eggs. These habitats help them hide from predators while waiting for their prey. By trimming vegetation regularly, you’ll create a less favorable environment for them to thrive.

How to Trim Vegetation to Control Black Widow Spiders?

Trimming vegetation doesn’t mean you need to cut everything down to the ground. You have to keep trimming the grass on a regular basis to keep it low at all times. Make sure you trim shrubs and bushes as well because black widow spiders love nesting in those places.

You need to keep trees and other plants well-pruned. Be vigilant about trimming off any dead branches since those can provide the perfect cover for the black widow spiders to hang out.

Here’s a table summarizing how trimming vegetation can help control black widow spiders:

Benefit of trimming vegetation How it helps control black widow spiders
Reduces hiding places Black widow spiders prefer nesting in thick vegetation to hide from predators.
Eliminates habitat Without vegetation, black widow spiders will be forced to find another place to create their web and nest.
Prevents spider migration Trimmed vegetation reduces the number of areas that black widow spiders can move to and establish a new nest.

Trimming vegetation can be an effective way to control black widow spiders. By keeping your yard clean and well-maintained, you can reduce their hiding places and limit their population. With a little diligence and hard work, you’ll be able to enjoy your spider-free home.

Use Yellow Light Bulbs

Yellow light bulbs are one of the most effective and environmentally friendly ways to ward off black widow spiders from your home. Black widow spiders tend to stay away from bright areas and are more attracted to darker environments. By installing yellow light bulbs, you can create an environment that repels black widow spiders.

How do yellow light bulbs work against black widow spiders?

Yellow light bulbs emit a warm yellow or amber light that creates an environment that black widow spiders instinctively avoid. These bulbs do not attract insects that spiders feed on due to their low wavelength intensity and distinctive spectrum of light. The lack of food source attracts fewer spiders to the area. In areas where black widow spiders are common, switching to yellow light bulbs can drastically reduce spider activity around the home.

Benefits of using yellow light bulbs:

There are numerous benefits to using yellow light bulbs as an alternative to pesticides. Let’s take a look at some of them in the table below:

Benefits Explanation
Environmentally friendly Yellow light bulbs do not contain any harmful chemicals that could damage the environment or harm wildlife.
Safe for humans and pets Unlike pesticides, yellow light bulbs do not pose any health risks to humans and pets.
Cost-effective Yellow light bulbs are an affordable option that can save you money on expensive pest control treatments.
Easy to install Yellow light bulbs can be easily installed in any existing light fixtures in and around the home.
Deters other pests Other pests, such as mosquitoes and flies, are also repelled by the yellow light bulbs and are less likely to bother you while you relax on your porch or patio.


Yellow light bulbs are an eco-friendly and effective alternative to pesticides when it comes to repelling black widow spiders. If you are concerned about the health and environmental risks involved with pesticide use, consider switching to yellow light bulbs. They not only keep black widows away but also reduce the activity of other insects that may bug you while spending time outdoors. Installing yellow light bulbs is an easy and cost-effective way to protect your home from unwanted pests.

Use Saltwater Solution

One effective and natural way to get rid of black widow spiders is by using a saltwater solution. This method is not only safe but also inexpensive and easy to make.

Here’s how to make a saltwater solution:

  1. Boil 1 to 2 gallons of water in a pot.
  2. Once the water is boiling, add 3 to 4 cups of salt.
  3. Stir the mixture until the salt dissolves and let it cool down.
  4. Once the solution has reached room temperature, pour it into a spray bottle.

How to use the saltwater solution:

  1. Spray the saltwater solution directly on any visible black widow spiders.
  2. Pay special attention to areas where they are likely to hide, such as corners, cracks, and under furniture.
  3. Repeat this process daily until the spiders are completely gone.

It’s important to note that although saltwater is a natural and safe solution, it can also kill other insects and damage plants. It’s important to only use it where necessary and avoid spraying it on plants or areas where beneficial insects may be present.

In addition to being effective against black widow spiders, saltwater can also be used to repel other common pests, including ants, cockroaches, and fleas. So, if you’re looking for a natural and multi-purpose solution to pest control, look no further than a simple saltwater solution!

Boric Acid Powder

Another effective alternative to pesticides for controlling black widow spiders is using boric acid powder. Boric acid powder works by dehydrating and damaging the spider’s exoskeleton, resulting in their demise.
It’s important to note that boric acid powder is poisonous if ingested, so it should be used with caution and kept out of reach of both children and pets. Here are some steps to safely apply boric acid powder for controlling black widow spiders:

  • Wear gloves and a mask to avoid inhaling the powder.
  • Apply the powder in areas where black widows are known to inhabit, such as dark corners, under furniture, and around baseboards.
  • Reapply the powder every few weeks to maintain its effectiveness.

One of the benefits of using boric acid powder is that it can also help control other common household pests, such as ants and cockroaches.
However, it’s important to use boric acid powder in conjunction with other preventative measures, such as keeping a clean home and sealing cracks and gaps where pests can enter, to ensure the best results. Boric acid powder can be an effective and versatile option for controlling black widow spiders and other pests around the home.

When to Call the Professionals

While natural and DIY methods for controlling black widow spiders can be effective, there may be times when it’s necessary to call in professionals. If you have a severe infestation, if you’re unable to identify and locate the spider’s nest, or if you’re uncomfortable using any of the recommended methods, it’s best to seek the help of trained pest control technicians.

Professional Pest Control Services
Pest control professionals have the knowledge, experience, and tools needed to accurately assess the severity of the infestation and safely remove the spiders from your home and yard. They may use a variety of methods, including insecticides, dusts, and baits, as well as non-chemical methods like vacuuming and trapping.

Choosing the Right Pest Control Company
When choosing a pest control company, it’s important to do your research. Look for a company that is licensed, insured, and experienced in dealing with black widow spiders. Check online reviews and ask for referrals from friends and family members.

Preparing for Pest Control Treatment
Before the pest control company arrives, you’ll need to prepare your home and yard for treatment. This may include removing clutter, vacuuming, and sealing any cracks or openings that could allow spiders to enter your home.

After Pest Control Treatment
After the treatment is complete, it’s important to follow any instructions given by the pest control technician. This may include staying out of treated areas for a period of time, vacuuming regularly to remove dead spiders and their webs, and keeping your home and yard as clean and clutter-free as possible.

While there are many natural and DIY methods for controlling black widow spiders, there may be situations where professional pest control services are necessary. It’s important to choose a reputable pest control company, prepare your home and yard for treatment, and follow the technician’s instructions to ensure the most effective and safe treatment possible.


After going through the various alternatives to pesticides for controlling black widow spiders, it’s evident that there are effective and safer options available. Essential oils, sticky traps, natural predators, food-grade diatomaceous earth, and other methods work without putting human and animal health and the environment at risk.

Keeping homes and yards clean, sealing gaps and holes, using citrus peels, trimming vegetation, using yellow light bulbs, saltwater solution, and boric acid powder are also effective methods for controlling black widow spiders.

It’s essential to understand why avoiding pesticides is crucial, as they come with health and environmental risks and can harm beneficial insects and animals. Taking a more natural approach to control black widow spiders will not only protect your home but also benefit the environment and its inhabitants.

However, in some cases, it might be necessary to call pest control professionals for help. They have the expertise and equipment to handle severe infestations safely and effectively.

In conclusion, controlling black widow spiders without the use of harmful pesticides is possible. The methods mentioned above are effective, safer, and environmentally friendly. By adopting these methods, we can protect our homes and the environment while ensuring the well-being of ourselves and beneficial insects and animals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a black widow spider and why are they dangerous?

Black widow spiders are venomous spiders found throughout North America. Their venom contains a neurotoxin that can be dangerous to humans and pets, and can cause symptoms such as muscle pain, spasms, nausea, and difficulty breathing.

How can I tell if there are black widow spiders in my area?

Black widow spiders are typically found in dark, dry areas such as woodpiles, garages, and sheds. Look for the classic black and red hourglass shape on the spider’s abdomen.

Is it safe to use pesticides to control black widow spiders?

No, pesticides can pose health and environmental risks, as well as harm beneficial insects and animals. It’s best to consider alternative methods first.

What essential oils are effective in repelling black widow spiders?

Essential oils such as peppermint, lavender, and tea tree can help repel black widow spiders. Use a few drops in a spray bottle with water and spray in areas where spiders may be present.

Why is it important to remove spider habitats?

Removing spider habitats can help prevent infestations and keep spiders away from your home. Black widow spiders tend to build webs in dry, dark places, so be sure to remove clutter and debris from these areas.

How do I make a sticky trap to catch black widow spiders?

Mix equal parts corn syrup and water, then spread the mixture onto a paper or cardboard surface. Place the trap in areas where spiders may be present, such as along baseboards and near dark corners.

What natural predators can I introduce to control black widow spiders?

Animals such as chickens, lizards, and birds are natural predators of spiders and can help control their populations. Consider introducing these animals to your outdoor spaces.

What is food-grade diatomaceous earth and how does it work?

Food-grade diatomaceous earth is a natural powder made from fossilized remains of diatoms. It works by dehydrating and killing spiders and other pests when they come into contact with it.

How can keeping my home and yard clean help control black widow spiders?

Removing clutter and debris from your home and yard can help eliminate spider habitats and prevent infestations. Be sure to seal food and remove spills promptly to avoid attracting spiders and other pests.

When should I call a professional to control black widow spiders?

If you have a large infestation of black widow spiders or are uncomfortable handling them on your own, it’s best to call a professional pest control service to safely and effectively remove them.


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