The Diet of Black Widow Spiderlings: Keeping Them Well-fed

» Types » Black Widow Spiders » Black Widow Interesting Facts » Black Widow Life Cycle and Reproduction » The Diet of Black Widow Spiderlings: Keeping Them Well-fed

As a spider enthusiast, you might be curious about how to take care of Black Widow Spiderlings to keep them healthy and well-fed. However, finding the right type of food and taking care of their feeding habits can be a perplexing task. Fear not! In this guide, we will delve into the world of Black Widow Spiderlings’ diet and provide you with tips and tricks to help you keep these creatures well-fed and healthy. Whether you’re just starting on your spider caretaker journey, or you’re simply looking to expand your knowledge base, this article will provide you with all the information you need. So, let’s get started!

The Feeding Habits of Black Widow Spiderlings

The Feeding Habits Of Black Widow Spiderlings
The feeding habits of black widow spiderlings are fascinating and essential in their development. As juveniles, these spiders have specific dietary requirements to ensure they grow into healthy adults. Understanding what they eat and how often they eat is crucial in providing adequate care for these young spiders. In this section, we’ll dive into the feeding habits of black widow spiderlings and discuss the best food sources to keep them well-fed and thriving. But before we do that, let’s briefly touch on the spider’s reproductive process to understand why feeding the spiderlings is so important. To learn more about black widow spider reproduction, check out our article on black widow reproduction.

What they eat

Black Widow spiderlings are carnivores which means that they feed on other living things. Their diet is primarily made up of other small insects such as crickets, flies, and other small prey. However, they can be cannibalistic and might eat each other if there is not enough food to go around.

Insects are a great source of protein for Black Widow spiderlings and can help them grow and develop properly. They do not eat vegetables or fruits, so it is important to feed them the right type of food. Here is a table showing some of the best food options for Black Widow spiderlings:

Food Notes
Flies Easy to find and catch. A good source of protein.
Crickets Another good source of protein. Can be found at most pet stores.
Mealworms A nutritious option for spiderlings. Can be found at most pet stores.
Roaches Provide a good source of nutrients for spiderlings.
Other insects Small, flying insects such as fruit flies or gnats can also be a good option.

It is important to avoid feeding Black Widow spiderlings any type of venomous insect, as this can be harmful to them. It is best to stick with the options listed above to ensure that they are getting the proper nutrition they need.

In addition to their prey, Black Widow spiderlings may also drink water droplets, especially when the weather is dry. They get their hydration from this process, rather than drinking water directly. It is important to avoid getting their habitat too wet, as this can cause mold and mildew to grow and become harmful to the spiderlings.

Black Widow spiderlings have specific dietary and hydration requirements that need to be met to ensure their survival. By providing them with the proper food sources mentioned above, you can help them thrive and mature properly.

How often they eat

Black Widow Spiderlings are known for their voracious appetite and fast metabolism. In general, they eat a lot more often than adult Black Widows. They need to eat frequently to grow and reach maturity quickly.

According to experts, feeding juvenile Black Widow Spiderlings around ten to twenty times a day is ideal. Their diet should be nutrient-rich, and they should have access to food all the time.

However, it is essential to be mindful of overfeeding the spiderlings as it can potentially lead to obesity and health problems later on.

Here is a table that outlines the feeding frequency for Black Widow Spiderlings:

Spiderling Age Feeding Frequency
1-3 days old Every 1-2 hours
4-7 days old Every 2-3 hours
8-14 days old Every 3-4 hours
15-21 days old Every 4-6 hours
22-28 days old Every 6-8 hours
29-35 days old Every 8-12 hours
Above 35 days old Every 12-24 hours

As Black Widow Spiderlings mature, their feeding frequency will decrease gradually. Once they are six months old, they can be fed once a day. This feeding schedule allows them to develop properly and grow into healthy adults.

It is also worth noting that during feeding, the spiderlings should be monitored to ensure they do not overeat. If spiderlings are not eating or undernourished, it could be related to other factors such as environmental or reproduction issues. For more information on these issues, see our articles on Environmental Factors in Black Widow Reproduction and Black Widow Spider Mating and Lifespan.

Best Food Sources for Black Widow Spiderlings

Best Food Sources For Black Widow Spiderlings
As a caretaker of black widow spiderlings, it’s important to know what to feed them to ensure their healthy development and growth. Providing them with the right food sources can make a significant impact on their health and survival. Feeding black widow spiderlings can be perplexing at times, but it doesn’t have to be. In this section, we will explore the best food sources for black widow spiderlings and how to prepare their food. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to give your spiderlings the nourishment they need to thrive and reach adulthood. For more information on black widows, check out our article on the life cycle of black widow spiders.

What to feed them

When it comes to feeding black widow spiderlings, it’s essential to provide them with an appropriate diet to ensure proper growth and development. Although insects are a staple of their diet, not all insects are suitable food sources for them. Here are the best food sources to feed your spiderlings, along with their nutritional benefits:

Food Source Nutritional Benefits
Fruit Flies High in protein and easy to digest
Pinhead Crickets High in protein, low in fat
Fruit Fly Larvae High in fat and protein, easy to digest
Mealworms High in protein, low in fat
Waxworms High in fat and protein, low in chitin

When feeding your spiderlings, it’s important to provide a variety of food sources to ensure a balanced diet. You can also add supplements to their diet to ensure they are getting all the vitamins and minerals they need for optimal health.

It’s best to avoid feeding your spiderlings wild-caught insects as they may contain pesticides or other harmful substances. Instead, purchase insects from a trusted source or raise them yourself.

Tip: Not sure how much to feed your spiderlings? A good rule of thumb is to feed them prey that is about the same size as their abdomen.

Now that you know what to feed your spiderlings, let’s talk about how to prepare their food.

How to prepare their food

When it comes to preparing food for your black widow spiderlings, it’s essential to ensure that it’s done correctly to prevent any risk of illnesses. You can feed your spiderlings with live insects, such as fruit flies, small roaches, and crickets, but it is crucial to gut load these insects correctly. This process involves feeding them nutritious food to ensure they contain the required nutrients needed by your spiderlings.

To prepare the insects, you need to dust them with calcium powder, which is essential for your spiderlings’ growth. You can buy calcium powder or calcium with vitamin D3. To do this, place the live insects in a plastic bag, place some calcium powder and shake the bag until the insects are coated. Using tongs, place the insects in the spiderling’s enclosure.

Another option for feeding black widow spiderlings is pre-killed insects. These insects are readily available in pet stores and can be stored in your freezer. Before feeding to your spiderlings, defrost the insects and warm them up to room temperature.

It’s important to note that feeding your black widow spiderlings too much can be harmful. Overfeeding can cause obesity and shorten the spiderlings’ lifespan. You should follow the recommended feeding interval depending on the spiderling’s age. At first, spiderlings should be fed every two days, then reduce to once a week as they grow older.

Additionally, it’s crucial to keep a record of how much you’re feeding your spiderlings, as well as how often. This information helps to monitor their growth rate and track their progress.

Note: Never feed your black widow spiderlings anything that is too large for them to consume. Doing so can cause harm or even death. Ensure that the food is always an appropriate size for the spiderlings in question.

If you want to learn more about black widow spiders, check out our article on black widow spiderlings survival rate to understand more about the challenges of rearing these spiders.

Proper Care for Black Widow Spiderlings

Providing the proper care for your black widow spiderlings is crucial for their development and survival. These tiny arachnids require a delicate balance of feeding, hydration, and environmental conditions to thrive. Ensuring that you are meeting their needs will help them flourish into healthy adults. Understanding the feeding habits of black widow spiderlings (link to “The Feeding Habits of Black Widow Spiderlings” section) is just one aspect of their care that needs attention. Let’s explore the other essentials for providing top-notch care for your spiderlings.

Feeding schedule

Feeding schedule is a crucial aspect of keeping your black widow spiderlings healthy and well-nourished. As a pet owner, it is important to make sure that you have a consistent and regular feeding schedule for your spiderlings.


Age Feeding Frequency Food Amount
0-4 weeks 2-3 times a week 1-2 small insects
4-8 weeks 2 times a week 2-3 small to medium insects
8-12 weeks 2 times a week 3-4 small to medium insects
12 weeks and older 1-2 times a week 4-5 small to medium insects

The feeding frequency and food amount may vary depending on the size and appetite of your spiderlings. It is essential to avoid overfeeding as spiderlings, just like adult black widow spiders, are susceptible to obesity, which can lead to health issues.

To make sure that your spiderlings are getting enough food, you can offer them small to medium-sized insects, such as crickets or mealworms. These insects contain the necessary protein and nutrients that your spiderlings need for healthy growth.

It is essential to note that black widow spiderlings tend to be more active at night, so it is best to feed them at night or during twilight hours. This schedule enables your spiderlings to be fully awake and active during feeding, which can help them consume and digest their food more efficiently.

Establishing a consistent feeding schedule is crucial for the proper care and well-being of your black widow spiderlings. By following the table’s feeding advice, you can help ensure that your spiderlings are receiving the appropriate amount of food and nutrients needed for their healthy growth. Remember, as with any pet, attention to detail and careful monitoring of their health will help your spiderlings thrive and develop into strong and healthy adult black widow spiders.


One important aspect of keeping black widow spiderlings well-fed is ensuring they stay hydrated. Spiderlings require more water than adult spiders, as they are growing and developing, and their bodies require more moisture. Here are some tips on how to keep your spiderlings hydrated:

1. Provide a water source: Place a small dish of water in the spiderlings’ enclosure. You can use a shallow dish that is about the size of a bottle cap, and fill it with fresh water every day. This will allow the spiderlings to drink as much water as they need.

2. Mist their enclosure: In addition to providing a water dish, you can also mist the spiderlings’ enclosure once or twice a day. Use a spray bottle filled with room temperature water, and lightly mist the area around the spiderlings. This will create a humid environment that will help the spiderlings absorb moisture through their skin.

3. Use a water gel: Another option is to use a water gel product, which is designed to provide a source of water for insects and small animals. This can be especially useful if you are concerned about the risk of drowning from a water dish. Simply provide a small amount of water gel in a dish, and replace it as needed.

It’s important to monitor the spiderlings’ hydration levels closely, as both dehydration and overhydration can be dangerous. Keep an eye on the water dish and misting schedule, and make adjustments as needed. If you notice that the spiderlings are not drinking or seem dehydrated, you may need to seek veterinary care.

Note: Spiderlings are also sensitive to the quality of water they consume, so it’s important to use clean water that is free of contaminants. You can also consider using bottled or distilled water instead of tap water.

If you’re interested in learning more about black widow spiders, you can read our article about pheromones and black widow reproduction, or check out our guides on black widow spider eggs and hatching black widow spiderlings.

Temperature and habitat

Temperature and habitat

Proper temperature and habitat are crucial for the healthy growth and development of black widow spiderlings. The ideal temperature range for these spiderlings is between 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (24 to 29 degrees Celsius) with a humidity level of 70% to 80%. It is important to maintain a consistent temperature and humidity level throughout their habitat to avoid causing stress to the spiderlings.

To create an appropriate habitat for black widow spiderlings, you should ensure that the enclosure is large enough for them to move around and spin webs. Also, you should provide hiding places like small branches, sticks, or leaves to help them feel secure. These items also create the perfect environment for them to spin their webs.

In addition to creating the right environment, you should take care to keep the enclosure clean. Remove any uneaten food, excrement, and molting exoskeletons frequently to avoid contamination and reduce the risk of infection.

Finally, it is important to note that black widow spiderlings are very sensitive to temperature changes. If the temperature drops below 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius), these spiderlings may not survive. On the other hand, temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius) can cause stress and heat-related health issues.

Proper temperature control and habitat maintenance are essential for the healthy growth and development of black widow spiderlings. Following these guidelines will ensure that your spiderlings thrive and remain healthy.

For more information on the incubation period and the care of black widow spider eggs, check out our article on black widow spider egg incubation periods.


In conclusion, raising black widow spiderlings can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to ensuring that they are properly fed. These arachnids are notorious for their cannibalistic tendencies, so finding the right feeding strategy is crucial to their survival. You’ll need to make sure you’re providing them with the correct prey items, and that they are getting enough food to grow and thrive.

Remember that black widow spiderlings feed more often than adults, so you’ll need to be vigilant about keeping their food supply well-stocked. The best food sources for them are crickets, fruit flies, and other soft-bodied insects. You should also make sure that their food is prepared appropriately. Pre-killed insects should be used, as trying to feed them live prey could put your spiderlings at risk.

Proper care for black widow spiderlings extends beyond just feeding. You will also need to ensure that their environment is suitable for their growth and development. They require a warm and humid habitat to thrive, and their enclosure should be kept at a temperature of 75-85°F with a humidity level of 70-80%. Proper hydration is also essential, so make sure to provide your spiderlings with a water dish that is shallow enough for them to drink from without drowning.

By following these guidelines, you can raise strong and healthy black widow spiderlings. It may be a challenging task, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Watching these fascinating creatures grow and develop into mature female black widows, capable of laying hundreds of eggs, is a truly unique experience. And who knows, with enough care and attention, you may find yourself raising a thriving colony of black widow spiders! If you’re interested in learning more about female black widow spiders and their eggs, be sure to check out our article on /female-black-widow-spiders-eggs/.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of food do black widow spiderlings eat?

Black widow spiderlings thrive on a diet of small insects such as fruit flies, pinhead crickets, and hatchling cockroaches.

How often should I feed my black widow spiderlings?

Feed your black widow spiderlings once every two to three days when they are still young. As they grow up, decrease the frequency of feeding to once per week.

What are the best food sources for black widow spiderlings?

The best food sources for black widow spiderlings include fruit flies, pinhead crickets, and hatchling cockroaches. It’s also essential to feed them gut-loaded insects that have been properly nourished.

How should I prepare the food for black widow spiderlings?

To prepare the food for black widow spiderlings, you can purchase live insects from pet stores or online shops. Gut-load the insects a few hours before feeding them to the spiderlings, and dust them with calcium and vitamin D3 supplements to ensure they get all the necessary nutrients.

What is the feeding schedule for black widow spiderlings?

Feed your black widow spiderlings once every two to three days when they are still young. As they grow up, decrease the frequency of feeding to once per week.

What is the best way to hydrate black widow spiderlings?

Black widow spiderlings require a humid environment to thrive. You can hydrate them by misting their enclosure with water once a day. Avoid using a water bowl as spiderlings can drown in it.

What temperature and habitat do black widow spiderlings need?

Black widow spiderlings should be kept in an enclosure with temperatures between 75-85°F and a humidity level of 60-70%. They should be provided with multiple hiding places and climbing structures such as sticks, leaves, or bark.

Can I feed my black widow spiderlings mealworms?

Mealworms are not recommended for black widow spiderlings as they are low in nutrients and hard to digest, and can cause impaction. Stick to fruit flies, pinhead crickets, and hatchling cockroaches instead.

What are the signs that my black widow spiderlings are not eating enough?

The signs that your black widow spiderlings are not eating enough include lethargy, weakness, and a decrease in weight. If you notice these signs, try feeding your spiderlings smaller prey items or increasing the frequency of their feeding until they recover.

Can I handle my black widow spiderlings?

Handling black widow spiderlings is not recommended as they can be very delicate and prone to injury. Black widow spiderlings are venomous and can bite if they feel threatened. It’s better to observe them from a distance and limit contact to feeding and maintenance tasks only.


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