Where Do Black Widow Spiders Hide in Homes?

As homeowners, we all want to feel safe and secure in our living spaces; however, the presence of poisonous spiders like the black widow can shatter that sense of security. These venomous spiders are known for their distinct appearance and dangerous bites. But where do black widow spiders typically hide in homes? This is a question that perplexes many homeowners, and in this article, we will explore the habits and behaviors of these spiders to better understand where they may be lurking. So, let’s discuss ways to identify possible hiding spots and how to prevent these spiders from making your home their own.

What are black widow spiders and why are they dangerous?

What Are Black Widow Spiders And Why Are They Dangerous?
Black widow spiders are a type of arachnid that most people are familiar with, thanks to their distinctive appearance. They have shiny black bodies, often with a red or orange hourglass shape on their abdomen. Female black widows are venomous, which makes them dangerous to humans. In fact, they are considered one of the most venomous spiders in the United States. Black widows are not aggressive and will only bite humans if they feel threatened. However, their bites can be very painful and potentially deadly, especially for children or adults with weakened immune systems.

Identifying black widow spiders in your home is important, so you know if you need to take preventative measures. The best way to identify them is to look for their distinctive markings. If you suspect that you have black widows in your home, you can use glue boards to catch them or follow other tips to stop black widow spiders from entering your home.

While black widows typically avoid humans and prefer to live outdoors, there are instances where they can be found hiding inside homes. It’s important to know where they may be hiding so that you can take preventative measures to keep them out.

Where do black widow spiders typically live?

Where Do Black Widow Spiders Typically Live?
When it comes to black widow spiders, it’s important to know where they typically live in order to prevent potential encounters in your home. These venomous spiders are found in many regions across the world and are known for their distinctive black color and red hourglass shape on their abdomen. Understanding the typical habitats of black widow spiders can help you identify potential problem areas in your home, which can help keep you and your family safe from potential bites. Before we dive into where they are commonly found, let’s take a closer look at why black widow spiders are considered dangerous in the first place. If you’d like to learn more about identifying black widow spiders, visit our guide.


Black widow spiders can frequently be found outdoors. They prefer to live in undisturbed areas and the areas that are not frequented by humans. Black widows typically make their nests in dark and dry places. They have been known to build their webs in ground burrows, under rocks, or in wood piles. Black widows are also known to make their nests in outdoor structures such as sheds, barns, and garages. These spiders are known to avoid wet areas, and so they usually can’t be found near water sources or in areas with high humidity.

If you suspect that black widow spiders live outdoors around your home, it’s important to take action to remove them. Using glue boards around the perimeter of your house can help control the spread of these spiders. To avoid inadvertently bringing these spiders inside, make sure to shake out any clothing or shoes that have been left outside before putting them on.

It’s also important to avoid creating environments where black widows might want to build their nests. Keep your yard free of debris, leaves, and other organic matter where spiders might like to nest. Make sure that tree branches and shrubs are trimmed back away from your house, as these can provide a bridge for black widow spiders to gain access to your home. Lastly, use essential oils such as peppermint, lavender, or eucalyptus to deter spiders from your outdoor living spaces.

Taking these steps can help reduce the likelihood of black widow spiders taking up residence around your home, and help keep you and your family safe from spider bites.


Indoors, black widow spiders tend to prefer warm and dark locations with cluttered surroundings, such as basements or crawl spaces. They might also move into areas like closets, laundry rooms, or attics.

Closets: Black widow spiders are known to hide in shoes or clothing that has been left undisturbed for long periods. It is vital to shake out your clothing or shoes before putting them on to avoid spider bites. Keep your closet decluttered, and try to store clothes in sealed containers.

Laundry Rooms: If you have a cluttered laundry room where piles of clothes or laundry baskets are left undisturbed, it could be a perfect hiding spot for black widow spiders. Keep your laundry room clean and tidy and make sure to wash clothes regularly.

Attics: Black widow spiders tend to create webs in areas that are not often used or disturbed, such as attics or crawl spaces. Inspect and clean your attic regularly, ensuring there are no cracks or holes through which spiders can enter.

Basements: Basements can be a black widow’s paradise with its dark and damp environment. Inspect any spaces under furniture, boxes, or equipment. Clear out cluttered areas and keep them clean.

Other spots: Black widows may also hide behind wall hangings, inside electrical equipment, or behind appliances like refrigerators, washing machines or dryers. Make sure to inspect these areas regularly.

It is important to make your home unattractive to black widow spiders by keeping it clean, removing clutter, and sealing any entry points. There are also natural repellents such as essential oils that can be used to deter these spiders.

If you suspect a black widow spider infestation, it is best to seek professional assistance. Trying to handle it yourself can be dangerous and could lead to spider bites. You can also use glue boards to catch these spiders, but make sure to avoid common mistakes for trapping black widows.

Sealing entry points is another effective way to prevent black widow spiders from entering your home, which will keep you safe from black widow spider bites.

Where do black widow spiders typically hide in homes?

Where Do Black Widow Spiders Typically Hide In Homes?
When it comes to finding black widow spiders inside your home, it can be quite perplexing as these spiders tend to hide in various places. Knowing where they usually hide can help you take precautionary measures to prevent them from reappearing. Let’s explore some of the prime hiding spots for these spiders in homes. And if you’re looking for tips to avoid black widow spider bites, consider checking out this article.

Warm and Dark Places

Black widow spiders tend to gravitate towards warm and dark places when searching for hiding spots inside homes. These areas provide the perfect environment for black widows to thrive and lay their eggs. Table below shows the top warm and dark places inside homes where homeowners are likely to find black widow spiders:

Warm and Dark Places Potential Hiding Spots
Attics Boxes, old furniture, insulation, eaves, and rafters
Closets Stacks of clothing, shoes, and other household items
Basements Cluttered storage areas, corners, and crevices
Crawl spaces Wood piles, debris, and dark corners
Cardboard boxes Stored in warm and dark places like attics, garages, and sheds

These areas often go unchecked for extended periods of time, allowing black widows to build nests and thrive without detection. It’s essential to inspect these areas regularly and take preventative measures to avoid infestations.

If you’re unsure how to deal with black widow spiders in your home, it’s important to seek professional help rather than attempting to handle them on your own. Visit /handle-black-widows/ for more information on how to safely handle black widows.

Homeowners should also regularly use traps and repellents, such as glue boards and essential oils, to prevent black widow spiders from taking up residence in warm and dark areas. Learn more on how to stop black widow spiders hiding in your home at /stop-black-widow-spiders-home/.

Some common mistakes when trapping black widow spiders include using traps that are not meant for them or placing traps in areas where they are not likely to be found. For more on these mistakes, visit /common-mistakes-for-trapping-black-widows/. It’s important to educate yourself on the best way to handle black widows to avoid injury from their bites, which can be potentially fatal. Learn more about black widow spider bites and their symptoms at /black-widow-spider-bites-humans/.

Cluttered Areas

Cluttered areas are the favorite hiding spots for black widow spiders. These areas provide the spiders with ample hiding spots as well as shelter from danger. Due to their small size, black widows can easily hide in small places and often make their webs in cluttered spaces.

To prevent black widow spiders from hiding in cluttered areas, you can start by decluttering your home. Get rid of old stacks of paper, boxes, and piles of clothes. Seal up cracks and holes in walls and clear out spaces beneath furniture.

It is important to keep your home clean and tidy to prevent black widows from making a home. Vacuuming regularly can help to keep spider populations under control. Be sure to use the vacuum attachments to clean crevices and small spaces where the spiders might be hiding.

Consider using natural repellents to keep spiders away. Peppermint essential oil is known to repel black widow spiders. Simply add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to a spray bottle of water and spray it in areas where spider activity is evident. (Learn more about using essential oils to deter black widow spiders here.)

Traps can also be used in cluttered areas to catch black widows. Place sticky traps along the baseboards and in corners where spiders may be hiding. Be sure to check and replace them regularly. (Read more on trapping black widow spiders here.)

By keeping your home clean and tidy, using natural repellents, and using traps, you can prevent black widow spiders from hiding in cluttered areas and protect your home and family from their dangerous bites.

Neglected Spaces

Neglected spaces in your home can be some of the most tempting places for black widow spiders to hide. These areas are often forgotten by homeowners who focus their cleaning efforts on more visible spaces. Here are some examples of these often-neglected spaces and how to deal with them:

Space Possible hiding places How to prevent spiders from hiding
Attic Boxes, old clothing, corners Regularly clean and declutter your attic. Seal any cracks or gaps in the walls or ceiling to prevent spiders from coming in.
Crawl Space Cardboard boxes, old furniture, corners Install a vapor barrier to reduce moisture in the crawl space, which can attract spiders. Keep the space well-lit and regularly clean and declutter.
Basement Corners, cardboard boxes, cluttered areas Regularly clean and declutter your basement. Keep the area well-lit and use sealed plastic storage containers instead of cardboard boxes.
Backyard Piles of wood, dense shrubs, old lawn furniture Remove any piles of wood or yard waste. Keep your lawn furniture clean and stored when not in use. Trim back any dense shrubs to reduce hiding spots.

It’s important to remember that black widow spiders can hide in any neglected space in your home. Regular cleaning and decluttering can go a long way in preventing these spiders from making your home their own.

Nooks and Crannies

When it comes to hiding places for black widow spiders in homes, nooks and crannies are an ideal spot. These tiny crevices provide the spiders with the warmth and darkness they seek for their nests.

Some common nooks and crannies in homes where black widow spiders may hide include:

  • Behind furniture: Black widow spiders may take refuge behind sofas, armchairs, or other large pieces of furniture that are pushed against walls.
  • Underneath cabinets: Cabinets, especially those in the garage or basement, can have gaps where the spiders can hide.
  • In corners: Corners of rooms or closets can be a great spot for black widow spiders to set up their webs.
  • Between boxes: If you have a storage area with cardboard boxes, be sure to check between them as spiders can use the space between boxes as nesting sites.
  • Within clutter: Cluttered, messy spaces are some of the most attractive for black widow spiders.

It’s important to thoroughly inspect these areas in your home as part of your regular cleaning routine. Use a flashlight to look into the dark corners and crevices and carefully move any objects that may be obstructing the view.

If you do find signs of black widow spiders, such as eggs or webs, it’s best to call a professional pest control company to safely remove them from your home. Don’t attempt to handle black widow spiders on your own as their venom can be dangerous.

By taking the time to search for and address potential hiding spots for black widow spiders in your home, you can greatly reduce the risk of encountering these venomous pests.

Baseboards and Crown Molding

Black widow spiders can also be found hiding along the baseboards and crown molding of homes. They like to nest in the small corners and crevices that provide them with protection and cover. As a result, it’s crucial to pay close attention to these areas when searching for black widow spiders. Here are some specific places to check along the baseboards and crown molding:

  • Behind picture frames
  • In corners where the wall meets the baseboard or crown molding
  • In between floorboards or tiles
  • Underneath furniture placed along the wall
  • In cracks or holes in the wall or molding

It’s essential to be careful when checking for black widow spiders along the baseboards and crown molding since they can often be resting in areas that are difficult to see. Use a flashlight to illuminate the areas and wear gloves to protect your hands.

Remember: Black widow spiders are venomous and can be dangerous if you get bitten. It’s essential to be cautious and take appropriate measures to protect yourself while searching for them. If you spot one of these spiders, it’s best to call a professional exterminator to handle the situation safely.

Common Living Areas

Black widow spiders are not known to be aggressive towards humans, but they will bite if they feel threatened. This makes it important to know where they are hiding in your home. Common living areas are a favorite spot for black widow spiders to hide, which includes:

  • Bedrooms: Black widow spiders gravitate towards cluttered areas, making your bedroom the perfect hiding spot. They can often be found lurking underneath piles of laundry or hiding in corners behind furniture. Make sure to clean and organize your bedroom regularly to prevent a black widow from calling it their home.
  • Living rooms: Couches and chairs are also good hiding spots for black widow spiders, especially if they are not used regularly. Be sure to move furniture around and vacuum underneath it to remove any cobwebs or spider eggs.
  • Kitchens: Cluttered countertops and unsealed food can attract insects, which in turn attract black widow spiders. Keep your kitchen clean and organized, and store food in airtight containers to avoid drawing unwanted guests.
  • Bathrooms: Damp areas in bathrooms such as sinks, tubs, and showers not only attract insects but black widow spiders as well. Keep your bathroom dry and free of clutter to avoid unwanted visitors.

Finding a black widow spider in your common living areas can be unsettling, but taking preventative measures can help reduce the likelihood of this happening. By decluttering your home, regularly cleaning and vacuuming, sealing cracks and holes, keeping your garage clutter-free, and using natural repellents, you can keep your home free of black widow spiders and other unwelcome pests.

Garages and Sheds

When it comes to finding black widow spiders in your home, don’t forget to check your garages and sheds. These areas are often filled with clutter and are left unattended for long periods, which is the perfect environment for black widows to hide and thrive in.

How do black widow spiders enter garages and sheds?

Black widow spiders are often found in garages and sheds because they can easily enter through small cracks and gaps in doors or windows. They can also hitch a ride on various objects such as boxes, garden tools, or firewood that have been brought in from outdoors.

Where do black widow spiders hide in garages and sheds?

In garages, black widow spiders tend to hide in cluttered areas, such as storage boxes, old tires, or in the corners of the ceiling. They also like to hide in dark crevices and gaps in walls. In sheds, black widows can often be found in unused gardening equipment or in stacks of firewood.

How to prevent black widow spiders in garages and sheds?

To prevent black widow spiders from taking shelter in your garage or shed, it’s essential to keep the area clean and well-organized. Here are some prevention tips:

Prevention Tips Explanation
Declutter Remove unnecessary items, such as old boxes, unused equipment, and piles of debris.
Regular Cleaning Sweep up cobwebs and clear out any debris regularly.
Seal Gaps and Cracks Keep doors and windows tightly sealed. Seal any gaps in walls or structures to prevent black widow spiders from entering.
Organize Equipment Store gardening equipment and other items in enclosed containers or on shelves, to avoid creating cluttered areas where black widows can hide.
Remove Firewood Maintain a distance of at least 20 feet between your home and any firewood piles. Store firewood off the ground and away from sheds and garages.

Following these preventive measures can help keep your garages and sheds clutter-free and minimize the likelihood of black widow spiders taking up residence in your space.

How to prevent black widow spiders from hiding in your home?

How To Prevent Black Widow Spiders From Hiding In Your Home?
Keeping black widow spiders out of your home requires a combination of preparation, cleaning, and prevention methods. By taking proactive measures to eliminate potential hiding spots and create an unfriendly environment for these spiders, you can greatly reduce the chances of encountering them in your home. In this section, we’ll explore some effective ways to prevent black widow spiders from making themselves at home in your living spaces.

Declutter Your Home

Keeping your home clutter-free can help prevent black widow spiders from hiding in your house. These spiders thrive in messy areas, so making an effort to declutter can go a long way to keeping them away. Here are some tips to declutter your home and lower the risk of black widow spiders hiding in your house:

  • Get rid of unnecessary items: If you have items you no longer need or use, consider donating or selling them. The more items you have, the more hiding spots these spiders can find.
  • Organize: Organize your belongings into categories and find a specific place for each item. This way, you’ll know exactly where everything is and won’t have piles of items taking up space.
  • Don’t store items on the floor: Store items on shelves, racks, and other organizers off the floor. This way, spiders won’t have a place to hide under items.
  • Regularly clean: Regularly clean and dust surfaces to prevent spider webs from forming.
  • Keep food containers sealed: Only leave out food and pet food for short periods and seal containers when you’re done. This can prevent insects (which spiders feed on) from being drawn in.

Taking the time to declutter your home can not only help prevent black widow spiders but also create a more inviting and comfortable living environment for you and your family.

Regularly Cleaning and Vacuuming

Regular cleaning and vacuuming of your home can be an effective way to prevent black widow spiders from hiding in your living space. By removing dust, dirt, and clutter, you’ll deprive these spiders of their preferred hiding spots. Regular cleaning also allows you to identify spiders and other pests before they become a problem.

Here are some tips for keeping your home clean and spider-free:

Tip Description
Remove Clutter Black widow spiders love to hide in cluttered areas, so it’s important to keep your home tidy and organized. Get rid of any unnecessary items and keep things like books, clothes, and toys off the floor.
Vacuum Regularly Regular vacuuming of your floors and carpets can help to remove spiders, their webs, and their egg sacs. Be sure to vacuum along the baseboards and in corners, where spiders like to hide.
Clean Up Food Crumbs and Spills Black widow spiders are attracted by food, so it’s important to keep your kitchen and dining areas clean. Clean up food crumbs and spills immediately, and store your food in airtight containers.
Keep Your Home Dry Moisture can attract black widow spiders, so it’s important to keep your home dry. Fix any leaks or water damage, and use a dehumidifier if necessary.
Check Your Outdoor Spaces Black widow spiders can enter your home through cracks and openings, so it’s important to check your outdoor spaces. Seal any cracks or small openings, and keep your outdoor areas clean.

By implementing these cleaning and vacuuming tips, you’ll be able to keep your home clean and spider-free. Remember, regular cleaning and vacuuming is just one part of a comprehensive spider prevention strategy. To fully protect your home from black widow spiders, you should also seal any cracks or holes, declutter your living space, and use natural repellents.

Sealing Cracks and Holes

To prevent black widow spiders from entering your home, it’s important to seal any cracks and holes in your walls, windows, and doors. This includes checking your foundation and roof for any openings that these spiders could use to gain entry. Here are some steps you can take to properly seal your home and prevent black widow spiders from making their way inside:

  • Inspect your home: Begin by thoroughly inspecting your home for any cracks or holes that could potentially serve as an entry point. Start by checking the exterior of your home, then move indoors and check each room.
  • Fill gaps with caulk: Use caulk to fill in any gaps around windows and doors. Pay special attention to areas where pipes, wires, and cables enter your home, since these areas are often left unsealed.
  • Use weatherstripping: Weatherstripping can be used around windows and doors to prevent black widow spiders from entering your home. It can also help to improve your home’s energy efficiency.
  • Apply sealant: If there are any gaps in your foundation, roof, or walls, use a sealant to fill them in. This will help to prevent black widow spiders and other pests from making their way inside.
  • Repair damaged screens: Check your window screens and repair any tears or holes. Black widow spiders can easily make their way through damaged screens, so it’s important to keep them in good condition.

Taking these steps to seal your home can go a long way in preventing black widow spiders from entering and making themselves at home. Remember to inspect your home regularly and make any necessary repairs to ensure that your home remains spider-free.

Keeping Your Garage Clutter-Free

To prevent black widow spiders from hiding in your garage, keeping the space clutter-free is essential. Not only will it make it easier to spot any spiders, but it also eliminates potential hiding spots and reduces the amount of debris and dust that they can use for nests.

Here are some tips for keeping your garage clutter-free:

Tips for Keeping Your Garage Clutter-Free
Sort through your items and get rid of anything you don’t need or use.
Store items in clear, plastic containers with lids to reduce clutter and make it easier to see what you have.
Avoid stacking items too high, as it can create hiding spots for spiders.
Sweep and clean your garage regularly to reduce dust and debris.
Use wall-mounted shelves and hooks to keep items off the floor and create more space.
Consider using a storage unit or donating items if you don’t have enough space in your garage.

Remember, a clutter-free garage not only helps prevent black widow spiders from hiding and making nests, but it also makes it easier to find what you need and keeps your garage safer and more organized.

Using Natural Repellents

If you’re looking for a safer and more natural way to keep black widow spiders out of your home, there are several natural repellents that can be effective. Here are some examples:

  • Peppermint oil: This essential oil has a strong, pleasant scent that spiders dislike. Mix a few drops of peppermint oil with water and spray it around your home, paying particular attention to areas where spiders may be hiding.
  • Vinegar: Like peppermint oil, vinegar has a strong odor that spiders don’t like. Combine equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and apply it to areas where spiders are likely to hide.
  • Citrus: Spiders are said to dislike the scent of citrus fruits, so placing rinds or peels from oranges, lemons, or grapefruits around your home could help keep them away.
  • Eucalyptus: This essential oil has a strong, pungent scent that spiders find unpleasant. Mix a few drops of eucalyptus oil with water and spray it in areas where black widow spiders may be hiding.
  • Lavender: Lavender is known for its relaxing and soothing properties, but it’s also a natural spider repellent. Place dried lavender sachets around your home, or mix lavender oil with water and spray it in areas where spiders like to hide.
  • Cedar: Cedarwood oil is a natural insect repellent that can also keep spiders away. Add a few drops of cedarwood oil to water and spray it on surfaces where spiders are likely to hide.

Using natural repellents is a safe and effective way to keep black widow spiders out of your home. However, it’s important to note that these remedies may not work for everyone, and in some cases, you may need to combine them with other methods to achieve the best results. Always test a small area before applying any natural repellents to larger surfaces to ensure they don’t cause any damage or discoloration.

What to do if you find a black widow spider hiding in your home?

Discovering a black widow spider hiding in your home can be a scary experience, and it’s important to handle the situation with care. Firstly, if you spot a black widow spider, it’s important not to panic or disturb it in any way. These spiders tend to be shy and only bite when they feel threatened, so avoid getting too close to the spider. If possible, keep an eye on its location and avoid it until you’ve taken the appropriate steps to remove it from your home.

The safest and most effective way to remove a black widow spider from your home is to call a pest control professional. These experts have the tools and knowledge to safely handle and remove the spider from your home without causing harm to you or anyone else in your household. Alternatively, you can use a spider catcher or a vacuum with a long hose attachment to capture and remove the spider from your home. Just be sure to put the spider outside in an area away from your home to prevent it from returning.

If you are bitten by a black widow spider, seek medical attention immediately. These bites can be very dangerous and can cause severe pain, muscle cramps, and other symptoms that require medical treatment. Don’t try to treat the bite on your own and avoid applying any home remedies or solutions as these can cause further harm.

In conclusion, if you find a black widow spider hiding in your home, stay calm and take the necessary precautions to remove it from your space safely. Whether you call a pest control professional or use a spider catcher or vacuum, be sure to take the appropriate steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from harm.


In conclusion, black widow spiders are a dangerous species of spider that are commonly found throughout the United States, and they tend to favor warm and dark environments like those found in homes. While black widows are not aggressive and typically bite only when threatened, their venom can cause serious health issues, and anyone who suspects they have been bitten should seek medical attention immediately.

To prevent black widows from hiding in your home, it is important to keep your living spaces clean and clutter-free, seal any cracks or holes in walls or flooring, and use natural repellents to deter these spiders from taking up residence. If you do find a black widow spider in your home, it is best to contact a pest control professional to safely remove it.

By taking these steps to prevent and address black widow spider infestations, you can help protect yourself and your family from these potentially dangerous arachnids and keep your home and property safe and secure. So, remain cautious and vigilant to keep your home spider-free and to ensure the safety of your loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can black widow spiders be found all over the world?

No, black widow spiders are found primarily in North America, South America, and parts of Africa and southern Europe.

2. How do I identify a black widow spider?

Black widow spiders are shiny black in color and have a distinctive red hourglass marking on their underside.

3. Are black widow spiders aggressive towards humans?

No, black widow spiders are typically not aggressive towards humans and will only bite if they feel threatened.

4. What happens if a black widow spider bites me?

Black widow spider bites can cause severe symptoms such as muscle cramps, nausea, and difficulty breathing. Seek medical attention immediately if you suspect you have been bitten.

5. How do black widow spiders enter the home?

Black widow spiders can enter the home through small openings such as cracks and crevices in walls and floors, or through open windows and doors.

6. Do black widow spiders only hide in warm places?

While black widow spiders typically prefer warm and dark areas, they can also be found hiding in cool and damp places such as basements and crawl spaces.

7. What natural repellents can I use to keep black widow spiders away?

Essential oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender can be effective at repelling black widow spiders. Additionally, citrus peels and vinegar can also be used as natural repellents.

8. Can I use pesticides to get rid of black widow spiders?

While pesticides can be effective at killing black widow spiders, they should be used with caution as they can also be harmful to humans and pets. It is recommended to use natural methods of control first.

9. How often should I declutter my home to prevent black widow spiders?

It is recommended to declutter your home regularly, at least once every 3-6 months, in order to prevent black widow spiders from hiding in cluttered areas.

10. Should I attempt to remove a black widow spider from my home myself?

No, it is not recommended to attempt to remove a black widow spider from your home yourself. Seek the help of a pest control professional to safely and effectively remove the spider.


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